Page 156 - AIT0617_E-Paper
P. 156


                                                        T   he buzzword BIM can hardly be ignored anymore  even without this alleged sword of Damocles, it is really
                                                            today! Behind is it is not a trumped-up hype, howe-
                                                                                                 worthwhile for all planners who want to develop objects
                                                        ver, but rather the gradual introduction of a decades-old  beyond the artistic design to learn the modelling  with
                                                        idea into the reality of planning. In principle, Building  BIM. Working with BIM becomes particularly rewarding
                                                        Information Modelling is a computer-aided planning  as soon as it is foreseeable that a project is to be realized
                                                        method based on an integral, consistently digital model.  in several stages and that frequent changes thus have to
                                                        A building model as holistic as possible is a 3D geometry  be expected. Even if follow-up commissions are already
                                                        including mega data, meaning actual characteristics of  signalled in the planning phase, one can surmise that the
                                                        building components. In combination with data regarding  initial effort of introducing BIM will pay off. As a rule,
                                                        cost and schedules, we in this case like to talk about 5D  investing in additional software is at first not necessary
                                                        planning. But this dimensionality is not limited.  Thus  since the customary CAD manufacturers have long inte-
                                                        other information as well – such as, for example, alterna-  grated BIM functions into their packages.
                                                        tive planning, building physics characteristics or lighting
                                                        configurations – can certainly also be interpreted as furt- Some tips for introducing BIM planning
                                                        her dimensions. From the point of view of architects and
                                                        interior designers, working with BIM means a true para-  In most cases, an introduction parallel to a project is the
                                                        digm shift. Although their task does not change – the  suitable approach. “Dry runs” and preventive training
                                                        objective of providing correct, readable planning docu-  courses rarely focus on actual problems. Most useful for
                                                        ments remains. But work is no longer done separately in  learning the new method is a project which is ideal-typi-
                                                        actual drawings, room books, window lists or accounting.  cal and as little time-sensitive as possible. In the process,
                                                        Rather, work is exclusively done in the BIM model from  an office standard for building the model is to be develo-
                                                        which the necessary documents can be generated whene-  ped and  well documented.  This standard can subse-
                                                        ver needed. Ideally, this means that not a single line has  quently serve as the working basis for all future projects.
                                                        to be drawn for a view but that the drawing added to a  To manage this process in a structured and reflected man-
                                                        plan layout automatically adapts to the current state of  ner, moderation and assistance by external BIM experts is
                                                        the planning after each change of the model. The advan-  possible and recommended. From the point of view of
               Vor allem bei komplexen Geometrien ... • For complex geometries ...  tage of being able to derive all the relevant planning docu-  smaller planning offices which want to use BIM solely for
                                                        ments from one central model is evident. If different per-  optimizing the process in their own planning, the custo-
                                                        spectives of the planning can be worked on independent-  mary categorization of the scope into “open/closed” and
                                                        ly and saved, guaranteeing the consistency of the states of  “little/big” is of little help. Cooperation  with specialist
                                                        the planning is a constant, time- and attention-consuming  planners and craftsmen within a BIM model (“BIG BIM”)
                                                        task for the planner. Each change has to be checked as to  is only worth the expenditure if working with BIM has
                                                        the consequences in various documents.   become routine internally (“little bim”). Furthermore, it is
                                                                                                 only decided in an actual project and by considering the
                                                        The goal remains the same                other participants and  their software conditions and -
                                                                                                 requirements  whether  it  is  possible  to  operate  with  a
                                                        The methodology of the central data model is indispensa-  heterogeneous “open BIM” scene or a homogeneous “clo-
                                                        ble in industrial sectors such as aircraft and vehicle con-  sed BIM”. As is generally the case, when using BIM lots of
                                                        struction today. The advantages of the rationalization are  experience never hurts. This applies above all to the choi-
               ... macht sich BIM schnell bezahlt. • ... BIM quickly pays off.
                                                        clear:  Thus, for example, quickly  developing a model,  ce of the optimum degree of itemization. Thus, on the one
                                                        which may partly be across different sites, constructing it  hand, the model has to be sufficiently differentiated so
                                                        is hardly conceivable anymore without continuous, digital  that the planning statements depending on it can be
                                                        planning taking all the dependencies into consideration.  made. At the same time, the most meticulous constructi-
                                                        That comparable methods in the building industry have  on details are perhaps neither necessary for cost accoun-
                                                        so far only hesitantly been adopted has presumably a lot  ting nor for simulations regarding building physics,
                                                        to do with the fragmentation of responsibilities as they  should these be intended, and their “programming”
                                                        are immanent in the construction process. As a rule, there  would thus be wasted effort. Additional problems often
                                                        are strict dividing lines between client, developer, planner  also arise due to deficiencies in the programmes used.
                                                        as well as the various sub-contractors. Often designers or
                                                        planners are only active during specific stages so that the All in all, BIM saves work, time and money
                                                        initial additional effort of establishing a BIM model seems
                                                        not to be justified. Furthermore, many, above all smaller  All in all, BIM saves work and thus time and money. In
                                                        planning offices do not have the corresponding resources  principle, the question about corresponding compensati-
                                                        – above all since the project management frequently hap-  on is only raised if projects are already established with
                                                        pens under time pressure. Not least, all the participants  BIM in early stages and are not further processed perso-
                                                        have different interests in the value change. It is therefore  nally at a later date. However, the initial effort consists of
                                                        not a surprising fact that the introduction of BIM has, to  more than simply learning a new programme. Rather, the
                                                        date, mainly occurred among the “big players”. In the  manner of communicating and documenting the planning
                                                        German-speaking region, this means above all the plan-  has to be reconsidered. This giving up of working directly
                                                        ning departments of major construction groups. But it is  son the “product” is the real hurdle which to many an
                                                        also true for countries where architectural- and planning  architect and interior designer may appears to be even
                                                        offices are structured in a different  way from here in  higher than replacing pencils with the mouse in the 1990s.
                                                        Germany. One may, however, assume that the submission  It is the obligation of the office management to under-
                                                        of digital BIM data for a building application will in the  stand this paradigm shift and to support it if they want to
                                                        medium term become standard in Germany as well. But  have as the result a rationalization of the planning work.

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