Page 107 - AIT0524_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design Brückner & Brückner, Tirschenreuth
                                                                                    Bauherr • Client Ev.-Lutherische Gemeinde Neumarkt
                                                                                    Standort • Location Kapuzinerstr. 3, Neumarkt i.d. OPf
                                                                                    Nutzfläche • Floor space 770 m 2
                                                                                    Fotos • Photos Constantin Meyer, Köln
                                                                                    Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 126

                                                                                    NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH

                                                                                    IN NEUMARKT I. D. OPF

                                                                                    The projects by Brückner & Brückner Architekten include
                                                                                    many sacred buildings. With the most prominent of all
                                                                                    building projects, they can do what interests them most:
                                                                                    connect yesterday with today and tomorrow. This also
                                                                                    applies to the church remodelling in Neumarkt. There,
                                                                                    they succeeded in dematerializing the church interior
                                                                                    from the 1930s – for maximum atmosphere and light.

                                                                                    T  he history of the church in Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate is
                                                                                       extremely varied – in terms of its denomination, its function and its
                                                                                    architecture: over the past 500 years, it has been a Catholic monastery
                                                                                    church, a Protestant-Lutheran church, a granary, a military hospital, a
             Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                              bakery and a residential building. Destruction and remodelling have
                                                                                    repeatedly resulted in changes. An overall design concept was sought
                                                                                    in vain before the most recent remodelling measures were implemen-
                                                                                    ted. The church also had structural and technical defects: The renova-
                                                                                    tion of the roof truss and vaults was just as urgent as was the renewal
                                                                                    of the building services and of the fire protection. In future, the church
                                                                                    will be used for religious services and cultural events. In the exterior
                                                                                    façade, which has remained almost unchanged, the now completed
                                                                                    renovation work can be recognized in details such as the newly desi-
                                                                                    gned portal: Elegant glass joints run through the solid oak wood of the
                                                                                    door and provide the first glimpses. Inside, a completely new sense of
                                                                                    space is surprising. The church interior, which until recently breathed
                                                                                    the spirit of the 1930s, appears simple, warm and bright. Everything
                                                                                    seems to have been cast from a single mould. The colourful stained-
                                                                                    glass windows are now covered with a semi-transparent layer of fabric
                                                                                    so that the once vibrant colours still shine through delicately. Two wide
                                                                                    spiral staircases lead up to a newly designed gallery with a completely
                                                                                    refurbished organ. The larger-than-life statue of Christ from the 1930s,
                                                                                    which used to dominate the entire church with its austerity, is located
                                                                                    in the side chapel. Elsewhere, historical substance was uncovered and
                                                                                    further developed. For example, the choir in the east of the church –
                                                                                    originally part of the Capuchin monastery and separated off in recent
                                                                                    decades and used as parish rooms – is now part of the church interior
                                                                                    again. Behind the altar, a curved loop of black steel also designed by
                                                                                    the architects, lies this powerful centre of the church, characterized
                                                                                    by soft lines and brightness, with a baptismal font set into the floor.
                                                                                    Homogeneous surfaces and broken spatial edges lead to visual dema-
             Längsschnitt • Longitudinal section                                    terialization – to a space as if built from light.

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