Page 81 - AIT0523_E-Paper
P. 81

Entwurf • Design Ernst Niklaus Fausch, CH-Zürich
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Einwohnergemeinde Würenlingen
                                                                                     Standort • Location Weissensteinstr. 3, CH-Würenlingen
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 5670 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Johannes Marburg, CH-Genf
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 135

                                                                                     WEISSENSTEIN SCHOOL

                                                                                     IN WÜRENLINGEN

                                                                                     In Würenlingen in the Swiss canton of Aargau, ENF –
                                                                                     Ernst Niklaus Fausch und Partner expanded an existing
                                                                                     school. The two new buildings — a school and a two-
                                                                                     field sports hall — blend gently into the existing topo-
                                                                                     graphy and extend the existing campus, designed by
                                                                                     architect Hans Oeschger and completed in 1993, as a
                                                                                     dialectical coexistence of old and new architecture.

                                                                                     U   sing the façade material of the existing building as a reference,
                                                                                         ENF chose a light-coloured facing brick for both new buildings,
                                                                                     which in the combination of stretcher and Flemish bond with headers
                                                                                     partially protruding or missing in the parapet areas creates attractive
                                                                                     plays of light and structures the school building and sports hall in the
                                                                                     current campus context in an identity-forming way. Skilfully taking ad-
                                                                                     vantage of the topography, the sports hall offers an upper access to
                                                                                     the sports and break facilities and a separately accessible level for the
                                                                                     spectators. The new three-storey school building with a painting stu-
                                                                                     dio in the basement offers rooms for a kindergarten and a multi-
                                                                                     functional function room — which can also be used for extracurricular
             Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                               activities — on the ground floor, as well as the school rooms on the
                                                                                     upper level. The Le Corbusier colours 32001 yellow, 32110 red and
                                                                                     32021 blue correspond with the solid concrete structure and are used
                                                                                     as a unifying colour triad throughout both new buildings, right up to
                                                                                     the colourfully designed schoolyard areas: Wooden slats on the walls
                                                                                     of the sports hall filter the coloured areas of the wall infills behind
                                                                                     them. Coloured, space-creating curtains highlight and define areas in
                                                                                     the multifunctional event space. The corridor is dead, long live the
                                                                                     central hall! Its partition walls towards the classrooms are filled with
                                                                                     a stimulating interplay of colourful wall panels that divide the hall
             Längsschnitt • Longitudinal section                                     spaces and give them individual identities within the common archi-
                                                                                     tectural context. As a logical consequence, the coordinated fire pro-
                                                                                     tection concept at this point allows for furnishing and full use of the
                                                                                     hall as a teaching space for different pedagogical concepts and does
                                                                                     justice to the planners’ claim that the architecture should be under-
                                                                                     stood as a spatial component of the didactic concept. Despite high
                                                                                     energy efficiency requirements, the new buildings meet the Minergie
                                                                                     standard and, with the exception of the wet rooms and basement, do
                                                                                     not use ventilation technology: all rooms, including the sports hall,
                                                                                     can be naturally cross-ventilated from two sides. The building mass is
             Querschnitt • Transversal section                                       used for night cooling and phase shifting.

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