Page 107 - AIT0523_E-Paper
P. 107

Entwurf • Design OOPEAA, FI-Helsinki
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Vantaa Parishes, FI-Vantaa
                                                                                     Standort • Location Asematie 12, FI-Vantaa
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 3500 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos M. Goodwin, H. Rytky, T. Uusheimo
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 135

                                                                                     TIKKURILA CHURCH

                                                                                     IN VANTAA

                                                                                     Anssi Lassila’s love of Le Corbusier is palpable in the in-
                                                                                     terior of this sacred building near Helsinki: with the
                                                                                     church windows, the Finnish architect alludes to the ico-
                                                                                     nic Ronchamp Chapel. The required spatial programme,
                                                                                     however, differs enormously from this: Lassila’s building
                                                                                     includes a multifunctional complex with a community
                                                                                     centre and social housing in addition to the church.

                                                                                     T  his is not the first church that has been designed by the Finn Anssi
                                                                                        Lassila. At the age of 26, at a time when he was still a student of ar-
                                                                                     chitecture, he already succeeded in winning the competition for the
                                                                                     construction of the new Kärsämäki Church in the province of Oulu. The
                                                                                     church was constructed, as were the sacred buildings he went on to de-
                                                                                     sign in Klaukkala, Espoo and Jyväskylä. Since 2014, Anssi Lassila has
                                                                                     led the studio OOPEAA Office for Peripheral Architecture with headquar-
                                                                                     ters in Seinäjoki. As the name of the office suggests, he sees his field of
                                                                                     activity primarily in the periphery of Central Finland. His latest work is
                                                                                     an exception to this rule since it is located in the greater Helsinki area:
                                                                                     in Tikkurila, OOPEAA is responsible for a church together with an ad-
                                                                                     joining multifunctional complex. The completed perimeter block deve-
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  lopment represents the first phase of an urban densification project and
                                                                                     includes a church, a café, meeting spaces for the congregation as well
                                                                                     as offices and an adjacent residential building with student- and social
                                                                                     housing. A generous number of communal spaces such as saunas, roof
                                                                                     terraces and meeting rooms are also included in the ensemble. Com-
                                                                                     mercial space with shops and restaurants is located on the ground floor
                                                                                     level. The church itself, with its jagged silhouette, forms the striking new
                                                                                     corner of the perimeter block development. Its multi-coloured clinker
                                                                                     façade of glazed bricks establishes a link to the historic identity of the
                                                                                     neighbourhood. This link and the durability of the material were deci-
                                                                                     sive for the architects in their choice. In the church’s interiors, they
                                                                                     opted in favour of a combination of in-situ concrete and local spruce
                                                                                     wood. The human scale was essential for the design of the Tikkurila
                                                                                     church, as Anssi Lassila deliberately states in his design description.
                                                                                     Around the entrances, this scale is made smaller and more moderate,
                                                                                     which makes the entrances look inviting and accessible. In the part
                                                                                     where the main hall of the church is located, the dimensions become
                                                                                     noticeably larger. Thus, the space stretches visually upwards, towards
                                                                                     the highest point and the softly penetrating light. A lightweight, spiritual
             Längsschnitt • Longitudinal section                                     and, at the same time, modest atmosphere is created.

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