Page 103 - AIT0523_E-Paper
P. 103

Entwurf • Design Níall McLaughlin, GB-London
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Magdalene College, GB-Cambridge
                                                                                     Standort • Location Chesterton Lane, GB-Cambridge
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 1525 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Nick Kane, GB-Kingston upon Thames
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 135

                                                                                     UNIVERSITY LIBRARY

                                                                                     IN CAMBRIDGE

                                                                                     The new library, designed by Níall McLaughlin Archi-
                                                                                     tects, is a well-placed new component of the Magdalene
                                                                                     College that interweaves with the campus both inter-
                                                                                     nally and externally through a differentiated spatial and
                                                                                     material network. Volume, structure, material and co-
                                                                                     lour scheme are a razor-sharp fit for this site and the al-
                                                                                     most 600-year history of this educational institution.

                                                                                     S  ensitively positioned alongside a wall and within the existing en-
                                                                                        semble between the rather introverted Master’s Garden and the
                                                                                     more open Fellows’ Garden, the house appears as dignified as if it had
                                                                                     always been there. The architectural and spiritual origins of the campus
                                                                                     lie in a monastic complex of the Benedictine Order; the oldest building
                                                                                     of Magdalene College is now 400 years old. A clear and profound system
                                                                                     of order, based on twelve squares each measuring 4.70 by 4.70 metres
                                                                                     with a 1.30 metre wide network of paths in between, enables intuitive
                                                                                     orientation and creates surprising spatial freedom. The new library,
             Grundriss 1. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +1                         which is designed to last for an eternity, is a suite of interconnecting
                                                                                     rooms lined with bookcases, reading desks and galleries; here, one can
                                                                                     wander through the halls — as the scholars and monks once did — and
                                                                                     thus get one’s mind off things. In addition to a wide range of reading and
                                                                                     learning places, the building accommodates an archive and a picture
                                                                                     gallery. Elements familiar from the architectural heritage, such as the
                                                                                     chimneys or the typical gabled roof, along with tried-and-tested materi-
                                                                                     als, such as brick and wood, are incorporated, reinterpreted and mixed.
                                                                                     The three-dimensional network spirals towards the light, module by mo-
                                                                                     dule. On top of the three-storey units, which are square in plan, sits an
                                                                                     external glazed cross gable roof — reminiscent of a lantern— which brings
                                                                                     light deep into the building while balancing out sidelight and top light,
                                                                                     thus reducing glare. Consequently, the two-storey reading room, which
                                                                                     extends over two modules, exudes an almost sacred atmosphere inside
                                                                                     the building. Roof lights, columns, shelves, light baffles, windows, desks
                                                                                     and balustrades forming a coherent warp and weft throughout the space.
                                                                                     A three-dimensional wooden thread weaves through the room as if in a
                                                                                     fabric pattern. The system, both inside and out, is conceived holistically.
                                                                                     Thus, the chimneys located at the intersections are not only structurally
                                                                                     effective, but also provide fresh air through the ducts located inside
                                                                                     them. The building connects and reconciles, the inside with the outside,
                                                                                     yesterday with today, concentration with relaxation, matter with spirit.
             Längsschnitt • Longitudinal section                                     Everything seems possible here — for all eternity.

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