Page 40 - AIT0522_E-Paper
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                                                                          P  aul Strähle founded his company in Waiblingen 111 years ago. Guided by the system
                                                                             concept, he primarily manufactured built-in wardrobes, wall panelling and doors.
                                                                          When his grandson Werner Strähle, a carpenter and graduate engineer for wood techno-
                                                                          logy, joined the company in 1967, the transformation into a progressive industrial com-
                                                                          pany began with the development of a movable partition wall system based on wooden
                                                                          frame elements, which are closed with chipboards via plug-in connections. Since then,
                                                                          production has focused on partition walls and wardrobes. To increase production capa-
                                                                          city, Strähle moved to its current headquarters in the Eisental industrial estate in Waib-
                                                                          lingen in 1975, which has been expanded several times in the meantime. In 1997, the
                                                                          branch factory in Borkheide near Berlin commenced production. Today, one third of the
                                                                          order volume is produced there. Inside by Strähle in Guntramsdorf near Vienna has been
                                                                          a third company location since 2011.

                                                                          A supporting idea becomes the foundation of the company

                                                                          At an early stage, Strähle started to address the increasing requirements for fire protection
                                                                          and, above all, sound insulation and look for solutions to provide partition walls with
            Foto: Huber Fotodesign                                        suspension system. The profile rolled from a single piece was patented in 1986 and is
                                                                          additional functionality. The basis for this is a steel upright with integrated shelving and

                                                                          the backbone of the System 2000, Strähle’s best-selling product. Structurally mature and

                                                                          is still the original for system partitions today. Further promising developments such as
            Teambox by Strähle: vorkonfiguriert und schnell lieferbar • Teambox: pre-configured and quickly supplied  with an impressive design, it becomes the model for modern partition wall systems and
                                                                          all-glass systems, room-in-room systems and acoustic solutions were to follow. The latest
                                                                          developments are geared towards modern multi-space working environments that are
                                                                          supposed to be varied, flexible and conducive to communication, but also shield em-
                                                                          ployees from noise at their workplace. The System 7400 glass acoustic wall meets this
            System 2300 im Roche-Turm von Herzog & de Meuron • System 2300 in the Roche Tower (Herzog & de Meuron)  requirement. As a modern zoning solution, it makes it possible to create transparent
                                                                          rooms with a quiet working atmosphere. Strähle meets the growing demand for retreats
                                                                          for focused work, meetings and video conferences of New Work concepts with the ex-
                                                                          pansion of its room-in-room systems. In addition to individually configurable cube sy-
                                                                          stems, the company now provides a ready-to-use product called Teambox by Strähle,
                                                                          which can be delivered in a short time, perfectly pre-configured and set up in no time.
                                                                          High quality materials and sustainable manufacturing determine all design and develop-
                                                                          ment processes. The individual components glass, steel, aluminium and wood can be
                                                                          returned to the material cycle and reused as new raw materials. Since 2015, Strähle has
                                                                          actively supported the Cradle to Cradle principle and presented the first C2C-certified par-
                                                                          tition wall system “Made in Germany”.
                                                                          High technical expertise: advice that sees the bigger picture
                       Bildunterschrift • englisch                        Strähle has long since become an established name in the architectural scene – “not only
            Foto: Marc Eggimann                                           because of the high design and workmanship quality and the flexibility of our products,”

                                                                          emphasises Paul Strähle, who as an architect is often involved in major projects himself.
                                                                          Many large office buildings have been equipped with systems from Strähle in recent
                                                                          years. Examples include the new buildings for Axel Springer Verlag in Berlin (by OMA),
            System 344 in den Büros von HPP Architekten in Düsseldorf • System 344 in the offices of HPP Architekten  Roche in Basel (by Herzog & de Meuron), Funke Mediengruppe in Essen (by AllesWird-
                                                                          Gut) and the Taunus Tower in Frankfurt (by Gruber+Kleine-Kraneburg). The fact that
                                                                          fewer walls are being built in the new working worlds and that more work will be done
                                                                          in home offices in the future does not worry Florian Strähle: “With New Work, employee
                                                                          satisfaction has gained a higher priority. Accordingly, people are investing more in hig-
                                                                          her-quality walls and room-in-room systems for prestigious offices.” And this is one of
                                                                          the company’s strengths. Werner, Paul and Florian Strähle agree: their company should
                                                                          continue to grow in a balanced way. With sustainable, holistic solutions for multifunctio-
                                                                          nal room concepts and high quality in terms of consulting, product and project manage-
                                                                          ment, they see themselves well prepared. In the future, the products and solutions are
                                                                          to be made more tangible than ever for architects, acousticians, clients and office users.
                                                                          For many years, the office floors in Waiblingen and Borkheide have simultaneously ser-
                                                                          ved as a workspace, showroom and conference and training centre. They are regularly
                                                                          redesigned to reflect the trends and possibilities in interior design. Strähle was the first
                                                                          company in Germany to receive the DGNB certificate for interiors. In its newly designed
            Foto: Ralph Richter                                           acoustic workshop, Strähle demonstrates what multifunctional, quickly adaptable rooms

                                                                          look like and how they can contribute to the well-being of employees. It will be opened
                                                                          this month to mark the 111th anniversary at the corporate headquarters in Waiblingen.

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