Page 122 - AIT0520_E-Paper
P. 122


            Die Installationsgalerie ist der Hauptraum des Ensembles. • The installation gallery is the main room.

            Angenehme Proportionen, strenge Formen sowie ... • Pleasant proportions, stringent shapes and ...   ... eine hochwertige Verarbeitung zeichnen die Räume aus. •... high-quality processing distinguish the rooms.

            T   he Gyre Gallery is located on the legendary Omotesando Street, Tokyo's most fa-  installation and daylight gallery. The gallery space for installations in the centre serves
                mous shopping street lined with spectacular flagship stores of major fashion brands
                                                                          the exhibiting artists for the presentation of their most important works. Adjacent is the
            and famous star architects. The buildings by Herzog & de Meuron (Prada), SANAA (Dior)  so-called daylight gallery. If required, it offers the artists the rare opportunity to work in
            or Toyo Ito (Tod's) are all considered icons of contemporary corporate architecture. The  a light-flooded atmosphere and to integrate the view of the surrounding city into their in-
            Gyre Building on the corner of Cat Street by MVRDV is also one of them, but is more open  stallations. However, the respective space can also be used in an inward-looking setup.
            and accessible than the neighbouring brand stores. The dynamics of the building are  A sliding wall weighing 800 kilograms is then moved in front of the window area and
            created by the vertical, partly external circulation. This results from the gradual twisting  can be used as an additional exhibition wall. The wall measures 9.3 by 3.5 metres and
            of the upper floors. The resulting terraces on the outside of the building are interconnec-  is only moved a few times a year. The route through the gallery can be varied by means
            ted by stairs and elevators, ultimately creating two stepped "terrace streets". The buil-  of other movable walls, thus linking the rooms together in the most varied sequences.
            ding's iconic, sculptural figure literally pulls visitors upwards from the street level. MVRDV
            considered it important that the building be perceived from a distance as an independent Exhibition room with light-flooded atmosphere
            object, while the individual shops inside and can be identified as separate units.
                                                                          The ceilings of the gallery rooms are made of 15-millimetre plasterboard with a lacquer
            Spatial circular tour of the exhibition                       finish. The partially integrated Barrisol stretch ceilings incorporate a dimmable LED
                                                                          lighting system and also serves for ventilation. The floor is made of a three-millimetre
            The Gyre Building is based on the "Shop and Think" concept. Architecture, fashion, art,  thick layer of epoxy resin mortar applied by hand – which prevents the formation of large
            design and dining culture are to intertwine; culture and commerce are to merge; and ul-  cracks – and two layers of dust protection. The most challenging task, however, was to
            timately a new exciting form of shopping is to be created. Dissolving and crossing of  create a perfectly circular column in the daylight room. The existing column was rewor-
            boundaries is in keeping with the philosophy of the Hildebrand architectural office. We  ked with a total of eight layers of plaster to eliminate any irregularities on the surface.
            also design open, flexible and inspiring architecture that creates space for creativity. Our  Today, Gyre Gallery displays all kinds of art that reflect the current trends, ideologies and
            concept for the Gyre Gallery is derived from the English term gyre: rotation, twist, swirl.  forms of expression of our contemporary society and is thus on its way to becoming a
            A circular movement therefore connects the four exhibition rooms: entrance, overview,  venue that makes an important contribution to the city's culture and creativity.

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