Page 93 - AIT0519_E-Paper
P. 93

Entwurf • Design Behnisch Architekten, München
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Stadt Gersthofen, Gersthofen
                                                                                        Standort • Location Theresienstraße 12, Gersthofen
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 13.400 m 2
                                                                                                                                          Foto: Mark Ostow
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos David Matthiessen, Stuttgart
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 166

                                                                                        SECONDARY SCHOOL

                                                                                        IN GERSTHOFEN

                                                                                        Variety is the programme at the new secondary school
                                                                                        in Augsburg's suburban area – be it through a spacious
                                                                                        music section, specialist classes with "green class-
                                                                                        rooms", or the adjacent triple sports hall. Behnisch Ar-
                                                                                        chitekten have restructured an entire school campus
                                                                                        and responded to the change in teaching didactics
                                                                                        with open and community-promoting structures.
                Schnitt Nord–Süd • Section North–South

                                                                                        W    ith the aim of creating more efficient administrative districts,
                                                                                             the municipalities of Hirblingen, Batzenhofen, Rettenbergen,
                                                                                        and Edenbergen were merged with and into Gersthofen, a town in Ba-
                                                                                        varia, on the basis of the 1978 local government reform. The result is
                                                                                        a city with currently more than 20,000 inhabitants, which stands out
                                                                                        due to its local recreation area of "Westliche Wälder" as well as its
                                                                                        proximity to the Lech River. This shows a diversity and interaction
                                                                                        which is also reflected in the range of cultural events and public insti-
                                                                                        tutions. Besides three elementary schools, a special-needs and private
                                                                                        school, and a grammar school, the secondary school in Gersthofen
                                                                                        therefore plays an important role. Behnisch Architekten have now re-
                                                                                        placed its school building dating from 1971 with a new complex inclu-
                                                                                        ding a triple sports hall, versatile outdoor facilities, and an extensive
                                                                                        music area. This makes the new secondary school a kind of culture
                                                                                        campus, which opens up new opportunities not only for its own pu-
                                                                                        pils, but also for pupils from the grammar school opposite as well as
                                                                                        for local sports and music clubs. The aspect of social networking the-
                                                                                        refore comes into play to the same extent as the connection with the
                Grundriss Untergeschoss • Basement floor plan  Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan  topography. A four-metre height difference in the terrain was integra-
                                                                                        ted into the architecture through an open room concept with generous
                                                                                        corridor zones. The multi-storey auditorium and the open flight of
                                                                                        stairs, the steps of which also serve as seating accommodations du-
                                                                                        ring breaks and events, is the centre of the school. Arranged in a ring
                                                                                        around the staircase, the two upper floors provide a large number of
                                                                                        classrooms of different sizes, while the ground floor accommodates
                                                                                        the main entrance, administration offices, the library, and specialist
                                                                                        classes. The latter are located in three one-storey wings that extend
                                                                                        into the landscape in the shape of a fan. This way, protected open
                                                                                        spaces are created between the volumes, featuring themed courtyards
                                                                                        for art, handicrafts, cooking as well as the general possibility of tea-
                                                                                        ching outdoors. Every class structure finds a suitable classroom – he-
                Grundriss 1. Obergeschoss • Level 1 floor plan  Grundriss 2. Obergeschoss • Level 2 floor plan  terogeneous, identity-building, and yet within the community.

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