Page 66 - AIT0517_E-Paper
P. 66


               Arbeitsmotto •work motto                                      M    rs Fürst, you studied architecture at Technische Universität Wien and after-
                                                                                  wards worked as an architect for more than 25 years. After this period,
                                                                             you dedicated yourself to painting and working with paper. Since 2003, you have
               „Aus Alt werde Neu.“                                          been designing and making “upcycling” jewellery. What caused this sudden
               “Turn old into new.”                                          change of heart?
                                                                             Already while I was doing construction supervision, I used to collect left-over mate-
                                                                             rial, for instance from electricians and plumbers, and used it to make jewellery from
                                                                             it just for myself. Due to the increasing interest people showed in these creations,
                                                                             I finally began to also make jewellery for friends and acquaintances.

                                                                             r Where do you see the special appeal of upcycling, meaning the art of upgrading
                                                                             left-over materials and thus helping them to get a second life? And from where
                                                                             do you usually get all your material?
                                                                             For me, it is very exciting to discover the potential of a material. The alienation of an
                                                                             object which has no value at all for other people, for instance a metal sleeve, some
                                                                             packaging, a bicycle inner tube  or a carton is for me a  very attractive creative
                                                                             process. I use almost all the bits and pieces which are left over somewhere and thus
                                                                             save them from being discarded as rubbish on the dump. Meanwhile, I am fortunate
                                                                             to have a whole network of companies, friends, acquaintances and also customers
                                                                             who supply me with the most diverse and the most adventurous left-over materials.

                                                                             r Which were the most unusual materials you turned into surprising pieces of
                                                                             jewellery? And did you ever also try out materials and failed with them?
                                                                             Those  were titanium screws used for stabilizing fractured bones  which  were no
                                                                             doubt the most unusual materials I have used so far. They are fabulously colourful,
                                                                             highly stable metal parts with precise holes and smooth surfaces. I never failed, no.
               Abgefahren: alte Fahrradschläuche • Whacky: old bicycle tubes   Maybe with some materials it simply takes longer until I have a brilliant idea.
               Von Musik inspiriert: ausgestanzte alte Klaviernoten • Inspired by music: punched old piano sheets
                                                                             r  Aesthetics, precision, detailing, combinations of materials and assembling
                                                                             them … There are multiple parallels between architecture and designing jew-
                                                                             ellery. Which capacities acquired during your architecture studies now benefit
                                                                             you as a jewellery designer?
                                                                             Very important for me is the ability of creating something new within a given frame-
                                                                             work. This goes for major architectural projects just as well as for the small pieces
                                                                             of jewellery. In architecture, one has a multitude of materials and proportions avail-
                                                                             able which one wants to assemble into a big picture based on one’s own ideas and
                                                                             the set budget. For my jewellery, I also pay attention to doing justice to the material
                                                                             and the proportions but also to the exact fabrication of each piece. This as well is a
                                                                             typical task for architects.

                                                                             r The theme of your work is to create something new out of something given.
                                                                             Did you already find it more exciting as an architect to deal with conversions
                                                                             instead of new buildings?
                                                                             Yes, I always like working on conversion projects. More than in the case of new build-
                                                                             ings, for conversions I had to improvise on site – the construction site – and make
                                                                             quick decisions so that the completion date as well as the budget can be adhered to.
                                                                             The satisfaction of having completed a project on time was then all the greater.
               Carin Fürst liebt die Freiheiten als Schmuckdesignerin. • Carin Fürst loves the freedoms as a jewellery designer.
                                                                             r Designing jewellery brings considerably faster results than architecture. No DIN
                                                                             standards, no authorities, no restrictions – is it also the short step between the
                                                                             idea and its implementation that makes it attractive to you?
                                                                             Yes, definitely. Unlike it is the case in architecture – my pieces of jewellery also allow
                                                                             me to alter them in case I am not quite satisfied with the result. The luxury of my
                                                                             being able to work with jewellery is that I am not subjected to any external influ-
                                                                             ences. I am able to work as much and as long on one single piece as I want – and
                                                                             all this using any technique, any material imaginable.

                                                                             r Where can your pieces of jewellery be bought and what are you doing for your
                                                                             marketing them? Which are the channels you are using for this purpose?
                                                                             One can meet me in person at craft markets but I am also selling in some select
                                                                             stores and museum shops. My homepage provides information about upcoming
               Foto: OÖN/Volker Weihbold                                     markets, exhibitions, points of sale and other news. I give workshops, mainly in my
                                                                             own studio. At times, women come to me and bring me materials they would like to
                                                                             work with or also a specific item of clothing for which they would like to make a
                                                                             matching piece of jewellery.

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