Page 85 - AIT0424_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design Ester Bruzkus Architekten, Berlin
                                                                                    Bauherr • Client Relaxound GmbH, Berlin
                                                                                    Standort • Location Wilhelm-von-Siemens-Str. 12-14, Berlin
                                                                                    Nutzfläche • Floor space 490 m 2
                                                                                    Fotos • Photos Noshe, Berlin
                                                                                    Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 134

                                                                                    RELAXOUND OFFICE

                                                                                    IN BERLIN

                                                                                    As communicative as a good workplace should be and
                                                                                    as comfortable as home at the same time: that was the
                                                                                    principle behind the redesign of the open-plan office of
                                                                                    Relaxound GmbH in Berlin. To generate more space and
                                                                                    strengthen the community, Ester Bruzkus  Architekten
                                                                                    added two new mezzanine floors, creating space for com-
                                                                                    munal areas and intimate workspaces in equal measure.

                                                                                    T   he Birdyboxes, which are sold by the Berlin start-up Relaxound,
                                                                                        play nature sounds and birdsong as soon as a motion sensor trig-
                                                                                    gers them, thus bringing bird concerts comfortably into everyday life.
                                                                                    This is said to have a positive effect on stress and tension, taking liste-
                                                                                    ners right into nature. The success proves Relaxound right: the boxes
                                                                                    have now been on the market for eight years and sales have risen rapidly
                                                                                    during the pandemic. As a consequence of the growing team, the office
                                                                                    space that had been used in Berlin-Mariendorf since 2017 also had to
                                                                                    be reorganized and adapted to the new number of employees. Ester
                                                                                    Bruzkus Architekten focussed on a varied workplace design with diffe-
             Grundriss Ebene 0 • Floor plan level 0                                 rent usage zones. By installing two mezzanine floors in the 5.60-metre-
                                                                                    high space, it was possible to significantly enlarge the area. A gallery
                                                                                    made of mint green steel and a navy-blue wooden installation now
                                                                                    offer various options for retreats and team meetings. The lower level
                                                                                    of the blue room structure features acoustically isolated meeting- or
                                                                                    focus boxes; individual workstations can be found on the level above.
                                                                                    In contrast, the green gallery on the upper level offers communal areas
                                                                                    with a relaxed balcony atmosphere, a long dining table and an office
                                                                                    kitchen, whereas the desks are located on the lower level. The result is
                                                                                    an informal vice versa situation of space utilization across the different
                                                                                    floors. As a detailed room-within-a-room, the wooden structure made of
                                                                                    blue-coloured MDF, which functions like a plug-in system of interlocking
                                                                                    walls and doors, accommodates built-in cupboards and shelves with
                                                                                    plenty of storage space and shelves for products, so that the rest of the
                                                                                    office space remains tidy. Sound-absorbing materials such as fabric, felt
                                                                                    and open-cell aluminium reduce reverberation in the individual rooms.
                                                                                    Overall, the concept emphasizes the importance of office work, which, in
                                                                                    contrast to working from home, can easily manage to score points with
                                                                                    various options on offer for team- or individual workstations and even a
                                                                                    “club office” complete with a sofa corner and a record player. Combined
                                                                                    with Bruzkus’ typical, striking colour combination and detailed furniture
             Grundriss Ebene 1 • Floor plan level 1                                 planning, the result is definitely something to tweet about!

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