Page 95 - AIT0422_E-Paper
P. 95

Entwurf • Design Landau + Kindelbacher, München
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Bain & Company, München
                                                                                     Standort • Location Karlsplatz 1, München
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 6.500 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Werner Huthmacher, Berlin
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 142

                                                                                     BUSINESS CONSULTING

                                                                                     IN MUNICH

                                                                                     Special performances require special work environ-
                                                                                     ments. And this is what the worldwide operating Bain &
                                                                                     Company consulting firm wants to provide in order to
                                                                                     motivate its employees. In the centre of Munich, Landau
                                                                                     + Kindelbacher are laying the foundations for achieving
                                                                                     it: storey by storey, the basics for a collaborative com-
                                                                                     pany culture and commitment are being established.

                                                                                     T  he existing building prominently located in the centre of the city of
                                                                                        Munich – designed in 1955 by Georg Werner and Anton Spitzer as
                                                                                     the building of the Victoria insurance company – represents in the very
                                                                                     best manner the drastic changes to which office buildings had to submit
                                                                                     in the course of the past decades. At the end of the 1990s, the Munich
                                                                                     architects Goetz + Hootz had adapted the Victoria building in Karlsplatz
                                                                                     1 to the latest requirements of the time. Now – 25 years later – a new
                                                                                     “makeover” of the six-storey building with a central atrium, corridors
                                                                                     and cubicle offices had become necessary. The goal of the conversion
                                                                                     planned by Landau + Kindelbacher was to design a contemporary and
                                                                                     flexible office landscape – a multispace office, as it were. Depending on
                                                                                     the need and the task to be accomplished, the employees are to be pro-
                                                                                     vided with the perfect workstation in various sectors – no matter whet-
                                                                                     her for concentrated individual working, for the creative session with
                                                                                     kick-offs or for several people together in the group. For this purpose, the
                                                                                     team around Gerhard Landau and Ludwig Kindelbacher dismantled the
                                                                                     office corridors and walls and designed a dynamic open-plan office. Cir-
                                                                                     culation areas thus became areas of communication and by designing a
                                                                                     multitude of privacy options – called Phone Booths, Focus Rooms and
                                                                                     Meeting Rooms – the workstations are divided into zones in order to
                                                                                     equally promote communication and privacy. The result is now an agile,
                                                                                     motivating work environment which – also regarding the design – com-
                                                                                     bines tradition and modernity and locates the employees at their work-
                                                                                     stations. This becomes evident in the Working Café, the central meeting
                                                                                     point that is a new interpretation of the Bavarian parlours in its appea-
                                                                                     rance. The guideline of the design on the different levels is the open look
                                                                                     of lofts which is emphasized by the ceiling design of black expanded
                                                                                     metal and by bright walls and floors. Abstract and large-format Munich
                                                                                     motifs are used to decorate the walls, to distinguish the individual sec-
                                                                                     tors in addition to their coloured seating furniture and accessories and
                                                                                     promote the identification with Munich as the location – likewise a suc-
             Grundriss 3. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +3                         cessful mixture of an elegant ambience, lightness and sociability.

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