Page 109 - AIT0422_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design Studio Komo, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Thorit GmbH, Sindelfingen
                                                                                     Standort • Location Sindelfingen
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 220 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Philip Kottlorz, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 142

                                                                                     THORIT DIGITAL AGENCY

                                                                                     IN SINDELFINGEN

                                                                                     Who wants to work at home if there is a view of the
                                                                                     Amazon River in the office? True to the philosophy “Only
                        „Die Arbeit findet im Homeoffice statt.                      those come into the office who have to”, Moritz Köhler

                      Ins Büro kommt nur wer wirklich muss.“                         and Rene Rauls of Studio Komo designed a full-service
                                                                                     digital agency and turned the interior architecture from
                                        Studio Komo                                  a work- into a communication room – including “natu-
                                                                                     ral” details such as vertical gardens and abstract jungles.

                                                                                     T   here are definite advantages and even more advantages – the home
                                                                                         office of these days has become a strong competitor for traditional
                                                                                     offices. Something more is thus needed than simply a nice team, good
                                                                                     coffee being available and a fruit basket at hand to entice the staff back
                                                                                     again from inside their own four walls into the headquarters. The Stutt-
                                                                                     gart duo of Studio Komo made a virtue of this necessity and gave the new
                                                                                     Sindelfingen premises of the Thorit digital agency from Erlangen definite
                                                                                     and unique attraction and appeal. The interior architects found an ans-
                                                                                     wer to the question of how, in future, we want to gather in one place and
                                                                                     exchange experience by convertinig a classic office setting into a room for
                                                                                     communication on 220 square metres. For this purpose, the formerly seg-
                                                                                     mented layout structure was opened up and existing sections of walls
                                                                                     were replaced by specifically designed glass-wall elements. As a conse-
                                                                                     quence, the complete spatial impression has changed and new visual
                                                                                     perspectives between the individual areas were produced. From now on,
                                                                                     the arrangement of the work zones resembles an office market square
                                                                                     where the employees are able to participate in meetings physically as
                                                                                     well as from home and can vividly exchange experience with their col-
                                                                                     leagues. Depending on the need, it is possible to use the workstations in
                                                                                     various ways thanks to different equipment. To make the corporate iden-
                                                                                     tity of the digital company spatially visible, diagonal graphics dyed in the
                                                                                     CI red have been applied to the glass partitions. Complementing these,
                                                                                     the colour palette includes discreet green and the warm brown colour of
                                                                                     the wooden surfaces. Wallpaper with abstract jungle worlds from the
                                                                                     Amazon river contribute to the desired natural appearance of the rooms;
                                                                                     vertical plant shelves additionally contribute to increasing the jungle at-
                                                                                     mosphere. The materials used for the interiors range from varnished sur-
                                                                                     faces to acoustically effective components and linoleum on the work sur-
                                                                                     faces all the way to solid oak wood that was used for all the permanent
                                                                                     installations. These installations merge into each other and even allow a
                                                                                     space for a dog – if the four-legged companion is welcome in the office
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  jungle, why should one rather stay at home?

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