Page 101 - AIT0422_E-Paper
P. 101

Entwurf • Design bandherm + krumrey, Hamburg
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client LIST AG, Nordhorn
                                                                                     Standort • Location Nordhorn/Bielefeld
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 3.750 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Joachim Grothus, Herford
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 142

                                                                                     LIST HEADQUARTERS IN


                                                                                     Whether in aircraft construction or real-estate develop-
                                                                                     ment – interdisciplinary approaches are a must. The two
                                                                                     new identical office buildings at two locations of the
                                                                                     North German LIST construction company were thus de-
                                                                                     signed inspired by an aircraft hangar. The fitting interior
                                                                                     for this with a systematically open layout and a work-
                                                                                     shop look has been designed by brandherm + krumrey.

                                                                                     R  eady for lifting off: an aircraft hangar had obviously been the inspi-
                                                                                        ration for the architectural concept of the new office buildings
                                                                                     which the internationally operating construction company had commis-
                                                                                     sioned to be erected at two locations in Nordhorn and Bielefeld. RKW
             Raumboxen und Systemelement • Room boxes and system element             Architektur + in Düsseldorf have been responsible for the planning and
                                                                                     the implementation of the concept idea by the client – an open, work-
                                                                                     shop-like kind of architecture whose spatial quality were to promote the
                                                                                     interdisciplinary cooperation of the 100 to 150 employees respectively.
                                                                                     The result: two structurally identical, cubic office buildings with enor-
                                                                                     mous ceiling heights of more than six metres on both levels which are
                                                                                     connected by a central open space with an all-round gallery and a flight
                                                                                     of stairs. For the setting with exposed-concrete areas and visible instal-
                                                                                     lations, brandherm + krumrey established a spatial concept that is fle-
                                                                                     xible to a large degree, does without ceiling-high inside walls and that
                                                                                     emphasizes the idea of a production facility with just a few accents.
                                                                                     Added spatial boxes and grouped working islands define the linear lay-
                                                                                     out grid. A central core on the ground floor contains the commonly used
                                                                                     functional units and a company canteen whose look like a garden for
                                                                                     visitors is marked by a large tree. All around it, the work areas can be
                                                                                     individually configured due to a multifunctional steel grid and hybrid
                                                                                     meeting- and project areas can be defined which stimulate spontane-
                                                                                     ous interactions. Optionally, open compartments can be used as sto-
                                                                                     rage-room elements and panels with different surfaces to be used as
                                                                                     whiteboards or acoustic buffers. Reference is made to the design theme
                                                                                     in the form of casual details such as coloured transport belts, industrial
                                                                                     curtains consisting of PVC or installation pipes in warning colours. And
                                                                                     to save the working atmosphere from becoming too rough because of
                                                                                     this focus on functionality, translucent curtain fabrics in modern colours
                                                                                     here and there also identify lounges which serve as common areas. All
                                                                                     told, the agile interior concept with a piece of system furniture that is
                                                                                     as mobile as a tool box is a consistent complement to the stipulated in-
             Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                               dustrially inspired kind of architecture of the two twin buildings.

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