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               Entwurfszeichnungen Gut Vöklenswald bei Gaildorf (1923) • Design drawing Vöklenswald estate near Gaildorf  Gut Vöklenswald bei Gaildorf nach 1923 • Vöklenswald estate near Gaildorf after 1923

               A  painting in Bentheim Castle reveals 19-year old Princess Victoria von Bentheim und  local anthroposophically-oriented Christian community, by hiding its ritual objects, cha-
                                                                             subles, and books in her house. Victoria von Bentheim ultimately put her life at risk by in
                  Steinfurt, positioned between sister Elisabeth, one year her elder, and her conside-
               rably younger brother Friedrich, to be exceedingly beautiful, with a genteel charisma that  December 1943 hiding a Jewish woman, Eva Guttmann, and her daughter Steffi for five
               shows no signs of self-doubt whatsoever.  The story-book princess was clearly not desti-  months in the house in Mittenwald, and in April 1944 fleeing  with the mother to
               ned by birth to one day work in a predominantly middle-class domain and pursue the  Schweizerhof, nr. Gaildorf, where she also gave refuge to and obtained fake documents.
               profession of an architect. Princess Victoria von Bentheim und Steinfurt was neither inter-  Victoria von Bentheim’s architectural oeuvre should be considered bearing her social sta-
               ested in doing what, with her social status, was expected of her, i.e., strengthening her  tus as a member of the nobility in mind. It reveals how, both as a professional woman
               family’s dynastic links through marriage and descendants, nor had she any intention of  and as a member of the nobility, she was able to develop fully in her family’s territory –
               languishing in the ladies’ wing of the family castle. Princess Victoria von Bentheim und  free of the general reservations about and restrictions in place at the time on female archi-
               Steinfurt (1887–1961) enjoyed the privileged childhood and youth of a member of the  tects. Her work there produced structures that seem to have been standing forever, and
               German high nobility.  In her younger years she was on the move a great deal: short day  one can see that they were built with particular attention and great care. Closer inspection
               trips, horse rides and carriage tours lasting several days, as well as longer journeys to the  reveals that the architectural concept derives not as was earlier commonplace in rural
               castles of her aristocratic relatives, including to Queen Emma of the Netherlands and  areas to the local master craftsman, but from the eye of an architect trained in the study
               Queen Sophia of Sweden. She was taught at home by private tutors.  As such, in 1912 she  and design of major religious and secular buildings, and who in terms of talent, expertise,
               was able to sit the higher education entrance qualification as an external student at the  and creativity fully mastered her profession.
               Oberrealschule in Hamm. Thus far, everything befitted her social status. In her own words,
               alongside the major journeys she went on, the impressions made on her by the restorati-
               on in neo-Gothic style of Bentheim Castle between 1883 and 1914 played an important role  Der Autor des Beitrages Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing Karl Kiem studierte Architektur an der TU und
               in her interest in activities beyond the traditional realm of the nobility. She was unable,  HdK Berlin, Promotionen in Baugeschichte (TU Berlin) und Kunstgeschichte (Universität
               however, to begin studying Architecture at the Königliche Technische Hochschule in Berlin  von Amsterdam), Habilitation an der TU Hamburg-Harburg. Seit 2002 ist er Professor für
               immediately, because the enrolment regulations at the time stipulated that women nee-  Baugeschichte und Denkmalpflege an der Universität Siegen. Forschungen und Publi ka -
               ded special dispensation from the Prussian Minister of Culture. In this respect a letter from  tio nen u. a. zum Bautyp „Waage“, zur Siedlung Staaken des Architekten Paul Schmitt -
               one of the above-mentioned reigning Queens to Emperor Wilhelm II, to whom she was  henner, zum Bau der FU Berlin der Architekten Candilis Josic Woods sowie von den von
               related, helped.  As a result, on April 18, 1913 Princess Victoria von Bentheim und Steinfurt  Bernd und Hilla Becher fotografierten Fachwerkbauten des Siegener Industrie gebietes.
               was one of the first women to sign up to study Architecture at the Technische Hochschule.

               Victoria von Bentheim ultimately put her life at risk         Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Herausgeber und des Ernst  Wasmuth  Verlages
                                                                             wurden der gekürzte Textbeitrag und die Abbildungen entnommen aus:
               In 1935, Victoria von Bentheim took another major step in life by uprooting herself geo-
               graphically and professionally from her family, and moving to Mittenwald.  There she pri-
               marily worked as a private architect for clients from the surrounding area, with on average  Frau Architekt
               one to three projects a year. Most the designs reveal the southern Bavarian architectural
               vernacular. The open-air swimming pool and the mountain cabin from the same year, on         Seit mehr als 100 Jahren:
               the other hand, boast a simple, not specifically regional design. Of the designs she produ-  Frauen im Architekturberuf
               ced during her time in Mittenwald, however, relatively few were probably ever built..
               Vaterländische Frauenverein was also one of her clients.  The large number of bedrooms
               on the upper storey of her house in Mittenwald would also appear to have had a social        Frau Architekt
               function; these were let to long-term and seasonal guests, and occasionally made availa-     Herausgeber: Mary Pepchinski, Christina Budde, Wolfgang
               ble to friends free of charge. Nothing is known of a significant person in her life. The file  Voigt, Peter Cachola Schmal – Deutsches Architekturmuseum,
               from the denazification tribunal provides information about Victoria von Bentheim und        Frankfurt/Main. Erschienen 2017 im Ernst Wasmuth Verlag,
               Steinfurt’s political stance. It states that Victoria von Bentheim und Steinfurt joined the  Tübingen, Berlin. Deutsch/Englisch. 113 Seiten. Hardcover.
               Nazi Party in 1933. She would appear, however, not to have been active as a party mem-       Format: 24,5 x 30,5 cm. 48 Euro
               ber, for which in 1941 the local party leader in Garmisch-Partenkirchen reprimanded her      ISBN 978 3 8030 0829 9 (Buchhandelsausgabe)
               in writing. Victoria von Bentheim put herself in danger that same year, after the ban of the  ISBN 978 3 8030 0828 2 (Museumsausgabe)

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