Page 123 - AIT0322_E-Paper
P. 123

Entwurf • Design Formwænde, Lüneburg
                                                                           Bauherr • Client Christian Thenhausen
                                                                           Standort • Location Warburgstraße 35, Hamburg
                                                                           Nutzfläche • Floor space 80 m 2
                                                                                                                                       Foto: Dan Hannen
                                                                           Fotos • Photos Fred Dott, Hamburg
                                                                           Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 134

             Visualisierung Schlafzimmer • Bedroom visualisation

             Visualisierung Küche • Kitchen visualisation                  Grundriss • Floor plan

             hand, space for personal items such as the model ship which has its place in a spe-
             cifically made, illuminated niche at the end wall of the hallway. To loosen up the
             shelf and integrate a playful element, one compartment was turned into a lampion
             with a luminaire and Japan paper. The worktop with the integrated sink was made
             in one piece of white terrazzo. The full beauty of the Norwegian natural stone in-
             stalled as a splash guard behind the stove only develops through use and over time,
             as does the unobtrusive waxed steel. To achieve the best acoustics possible, the clo-
             set surfaces are covered with linen. The complete range of materials is calmly
             framed by the everywhere present oak wood. Despite all the restrained regarding  Ansicht Flur • View corridor
              materials and colours, the sustainable interior construction gives the flat a highly
              personal and distinctive look which will also not be affected by future fashions. The
              point in all this is certainly not to ignore the change of times and to make a state-
             ment as to a specific period. Rather, the flat and its residents are to be able to grow
             old together over the years and to change depending on their phases of life and the
             zeitgeist. Even though this approach may sound elaborate, it is basically old and suc-
              cessful. Let us look at the modern furniture industry with its competition for ever
              new trends of living. Instead of individuality, here frequently desires are satisfied
              which are often subject to a kind of unstable and variable fashion. If, on the contrary,
             one looks at the often-cites city flats still surviving from the last but one turn of the
             century, in Amsterdam, London or Berlin, with their stucco, the wall panelling, the
             wallpaper door to the storeroom ... one finds that, despite all their similarities, these
             relicts of a long-forgotten time are as individual as their residents which is why they
             are kept alive with much dedication and expenditure to this very day.  Ansicht Wohnbereich • View living area

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