Page 122 - AIT0322_E-Paper
P. 122


            Japanisches Papier verwandelt das Regal in einen Lampion. • Japan paper turns the shelf into a lampion.  Spülbecken und Arbeitsplatte aus einem Stück Terrazzo • Sink and worktop of one piece of terrazzo

            Unter dem Tisch stehen mobile Stauflächen zur Verfügung. • Under the table are mobile storage areas.  Im Inneren wird jeder Quadratzentimeter sinnvoll genutzt. • Inside every square centimetre is put to good use.

            W     ith the example of a flat intended for a young couple, we demonstrate how per-  but can be changed like a letter case. Depending on the needs and the life circum-
                                                                          stances, functions can thus be complemented or reduced, vistas closed off or opened
                  manent living without compromise can be made possible even on a very small
            area with the help of a clever, customized solution. In the process, comfort and quality  up. Following this principle, the kitchen block which, in everyday life, seats two
            are successfully achieved not despite but precisely in harmony with the existing archi-  people, can be extended into a comfortable dining table for six by removing the rol-
            tectural constriction. Since the living area was to be downsized as a result of the move,  lable cabinets for glasses and dishes. The necessary additional chairs are stored in
            it was definitely an advantage that we as planners were already attuned to the client  the base of the table. On the side of the shelf system towards the hallway, exactly bet-
            couple thanks to previous joint projects. It was thus possible for us to influence the de-  ween the living- and the sleeping area, a flush and handleless sliding door has been
            sign with extremely specific requirements regarding the daily routine, individual habits  integrated which separates the sleeping area if required. In the entrance is a coat rack
            or personal objects which were to be carefully staged instead of merely fulfilling the  with a small bench which allows a view into the living area across the sink. Here and
            vague overall wish for spaciousness on a small area. Due to the special architectural  there, small compartments especially for keys, cell phones or mail are integrated.
            shape of the building, at the beginning of the construction works the flat had been ar-
            ranged in a rather nested way and was only illuminated from one side. This was the  A flexible system – kitchen block, dining table, closet, bench, coat rack
            reason for the wish to open up the whole area which, due to the static conditions, could
            only have been realized by compromising. This is why the decision was made to use  There are also large storage compartments in the bed base and the stool as well as
            the apparent disadvantages of the space for the design instead of working against them.  behind the sliding door at the end of the hallway. Custom-made stairs access the sto-
            Only the non-supporting walls were torn down and a shelf system was added which se-  rage space on top of the shelf. Below the shelf are boxes on castors for shoes. The
            parates the flat into to halves. On one side are the entrance, coat rack, bathroom, WC  complete interior construction has been custom made in cooperation with the joi-
            and storage areas; on the other side, the living- and the dining room as well as the be-  nery. Special value was attached to the connection of the materials. Not all the ele-
            droom and the kitchen open towards the window. View axes and openings for the light  ments are thus made simply and flush-mounted but play with light, shadow and
            always remain unobstructed so that the complete size of the flat can be perceived from  changes of material to produce plasticity. With a few exceptions, the walls of the flat
            any angle and daylight penetrates into the farthest corners. Space is seen as a resource  have been painted in dark, neutral anthracite. This makes the installations look free-
            in this concept. It is carefully treated accordingly. Every centimetre is either used as sto-  standing and the space is given an unexpected depth. On the one hand, the clear
            rage space or serves perspectives and illumination. The system is not static, however,  structuring due to the space-creating installation produces order and, on the other

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