Page 103 - AIT0321_E-Paper
P. 103

Haus am Park
                                                                                                                DG: Wohnen für Selbstnutzer
                                                                                                                1. + 2. OG: Wohnen für Geflüchtete
                                                                                                                EG: Microapartments für Geflüchtete
               Tragende Struktur
                                                                                                                OG: Clusterwohnen
                                                                               DG                               EG: Wohnzimmer für Alle

                                                                               1. + 2. OG

               Wohnen für Geflüchtete
               2020 - 2030


               Eigennutzung                                                                                           Brückenhaus
               ab 2030                                                                                                von Maier + Wezel Architekt

             Wandelbare Grundrisse im Haus am Park • Convertible floor plans in the Haus am Park   Nutzungsschema Haus am Park und Brückenhaus • Utilisation scheme of Haus am Park and Brückenhaus

             tive living space for refugees and also develop creative integration concepts. Among  all. A key feature of these flats is their adaptability. In the Haus am Park, the flats
             the eight designated sites were two attractive plots of land directly on the Neckar  initially had to comply with the guidelines for refugee housing. The architects the-
             River. 40 groups applied for these sites. The contract was awarded to Postbau eG,  refore developed changeable floor plans. After all, many members of the building
             which promised to build flats at permanently low rents, and Baugemeinschaft  community want to occupy their flats themselves after a ten- or 15-year period of use
             Wolle+, which presented a sound social and housing concept. The option to pur-  as refugee accommodation. It was therefore necessary to plan for adaptability, such
             chase the land was granted in 2016. To realise the housing and integration project  as the conversion of two small wet rooms into a spacious bathroom or the merging
             on the Neckar, thirteen people joined forces to form the Wolle+ building community.  of small rooms. In the Brückenhaus, there is also a cluster flat for single women on
             Two teams from three architectural offices each planned a building for the building  the upper floor. This cluster flat has four basic modules, a shared bathroom, a kit-
             community in close cooperation: the Haus am Park, designed by the Stuttgart archi-  chen and a play corner. In keeping with the idea of a "breathing" floor plan, the dif-
             tectural offices Yonder and Somaa, and the Brückenhaus by Maier + Wezel Architek-  ferent rooms can also be connected if necessary.
             ten from Tübingen.
                                                                           Integration through the possibility of communication
             Adaptive and multi-faceted housing for traumatised people
                                                                           Research on the sociology of housing has shown that spatial density does not ne-
             Refugees are often traumatised. What they therefore need first of all is a safe place.  cessarily result in social proximity. For successful integration, the protected private
             Each flat is assigned a spacious, individually usable outdoor area (terrace or bal-  spaces of one's own flat are just as urgently needed as open spaces for communica-
              cony). Views into the flats are made difficult by white perforated metal sheets en-  tion and encounter. In order to promote neighbourly encounters within the building
             closing the balconies. Since the refugees come from very different cultures and their  and with the neighbours, a hybrid place for community activities was created on
             family structures are very diverse, different types of flats had to be developed. The  the ground floor of the Kubus building. In the Brückenhaus, bridges are built bet-
             portfolio ranges from two small, three medium and two large flats, and three micro  ween the houses of the Wolle+ building community and the neighbouring Postbau
             flats for formerly unaccompanied underage refugees who are now in vocational trai-  eG, which contributed financially to the construction, and also to the neighbours on
             ning. Occupancy in the flats varies from one person to families of ten. In the Haus  both sides of the Neckar. Since the spaces are to meet different requirements, their
             am Park, there are three flats with their own roof terrace that are already used by  design is flexible. In the centre is a spacious multifunctional room that can be
             the owners themselves. The refugee flats have basic technical equipment. No di-  quickly and easily extended by a sliding wall. Smaller counselling offices and a mee-
              stinction was made between refugee flats and owner-occupied flats in the quality  ting and study room are located here. Despite the Corona pandemic, a lively place
              of the interior fittings with parquet floors and floor-to-ceiling windows, thus follo-  has already emerged, which as a neighbourhood and meeting centre is also beco-
              wing the egalitarian design principle of a good-quality and equivalent amenities for  ming a transitory place for urban society.

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