Page 143 - AIT0318_E-Paper
P. 143

Im Treppenhaus wurden die schalungsrauen Betonoberflächen konserviert. ...

                today in the different storey heights of the building, which comprises a basement and
                six above-ground levels. The renovation and redesign of the listed building was com-
                menced in 2013. Haminvest GmbH purchased the bunker and converted it into owner-
                occupied apartments. The planning was carried out by the general contractor Bicon and
                was supported by the architectural office Stephen Williams Associates. The horizontal
                ribbon windows, which had already been cut out by the previous owner in 2010, were
                enlarged and generous balconies were hung on the façade. Together with the enormous
                reveal depths of 60 centimetres, which can be used as a seating area, the balconies
                extend the living space into the outdoor area. Due to the listed façades, the bunker
                could only be insulated on the inside. The installed mineral insulation boards in com-
                bination with the large concrete masses ensure an enormous temperature elasticity: In
                spring, the heat stored during the heating period lasts for a long time; in summer, the
                interiors of the bunker remain pleasantly cool. While the outside appearance of the
                tower is rough and massive, the interior of the apartments has been plastered in classic
                white and finished with a warm wooden floor. Last but not least, this guarantees their  ... Sie bilden einen feinen Kontrast zur edlen Gestaltung der Wohnungseingänge.
                marketability as condominiums. Only interior designer Ruth Kramer, who acquired the
                fifth floor, decided not to install the interior insulation and maintained the historic fair-
                faced concrete look with its striking wooden slat relief. On the rooftop of the bunker,
                                                                              Grundriss 5. Obergeschoss • Floor plan Level 5
                there is another centrally located, mushroom-shaped ventilation tower, which was not
                allowed to be dismantled due to monument preservation regulations. Today, it forms
                the core of a new, two-storey penthouse, which was put on top of the bunker. On the
                lower level it occupies the centre of the large living room, while on its roof it carries the
                upper floor with the bedrooms. The penthouse is accessed via a new lift, for which a
                hole had to be cut into the 1.80 metre (!) thick concrete flat roof. With a concrete raw
                density of 2.5 tons per cubic metre and the cramped road conditions, which only allo-
                wed a small truck-mounted crane to be used, this was a key logistics aspect of the con-
                version project. Today, the penthouse with its small copper façade is not only the geo-
                metric crown of the bunker. Thanks to its two storeys, it is also the largest residential
                unit. Apartments of a heterogeneous mix of types with floor areas ranging between 50
                and 180 square metres are distributed on the other six above-ground levels.
                High-quality fixtures contrast with the rough existing building

                The ventilation tower is not the only artefact that has been preserved and bears wit-
                ness to the history of the bunker. In the basement, there are still old electric cabinets
                and a diesel generator - at least theoretically functional - which could supply the buil-
                ding autonomously. The equipment was restored and forms the heart of a kind of trea-
                sury from where the tenants' cellars are accessible. Above ground, the bunker is acces-
                sed via the historic staircase. Here, the original fair-faced concrete surface can be expe-
                rienced over the entire height. New cables and piping were installed on the wall sur-
                face to preserve the original character. In the foyer, on the contrary, high-quality, bronze
                pendant luminaires were suspended in the foyer, the lift was designed with an elegant
                brass look and the entrance areas of the apartments were finished with elegant woods.

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