Page 61 - AIT0317_E-Paper
P. 61

Chiado Apartment in Lissabon
                                                                                 von Ahmed Belkhodja,
                                                                                 fala atelier, Porto


                                                                              Images and drawings complement and contradict each other.

                                                                              We  can’t  work  without  both:  together  they  create  an  uneasy

                                                                              whole, unfolding each project as a series of visual metaphors.

                                                                              Collages are impressionist expressions, drawings are frozen rhe -

                                                                              torics. Images have feelings, drawings are rational (unbearable

                                                                              sometimes in their seriousness). Imprecise and speculative ima -

                                                                              ges are thus stronger tools than closed, photorealistic represen-

                                                                              tations. Their uncertainties generate a necessary limbo: they cre -

                                                                              a te a distance to reality. Collages quote, steal and combine refe -

                                                                              rences while searching for beauty in a blunt and naive way. Mis -

                                                                              takes become valuable and fascination arises from the visual

                                                                              construction, from the manipulation of fragments in a  world

                                                                              den se of references. Intellectual in intention, they are a fragile

                                                                              and humble portraying exercise, the marriage of architecture’s
                                                                              rationality with the inconsistent beauties of reality.

                                                                                fala atelier, Filipe Magalhães, Ana L. Soares & Ahmed Belkhodja

                                                                                                                                          Foto: Fernando Guerra, PT-Lissabon
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