Page 50 - AIT0316_E-Paper
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                                    HTWG Konstanz                            W    ithout light, we would not have visual perception: The electro-magnetic waves
                                                                                  have to touch and penetrate objects before these meet our eye as reflections and
                                                                             there “project” their information. In this respect, light can be seen as a medium of com-
                                    Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung  munication. It continuously provides us with visual impressions and everything we see
                                    1906 gegründet                           is initially nothing more than reflected light. For the work of an architect, light plays an
                                    4.812 Studierende                        important role: The interplay of light and shadow considerably determines how we per-
                                                                             ceive buildings. Used as an instrument of design, it appeals to our emotions and is able
                                                                             to communicate moods and messages in a multitude of ways. The interactopm of light
                                                                             and space offers numerous possibilities regarding design.

                                                                             From competition to luminous prototype

                                                                             Each semester, the faculty of architecture at HTWG Konstanz offers projects focusing on
                                                                             the topic of light. Headed by Professor Myriam Gautschi and lighting designer Mario
                                                                             Rechsteiner (Art Light GmbH, St Gallen) and in cooperation with Osram OLED GmbH
                                                                             during the winter term 2014/2015, the competition licht.falt.werke was thus organized in
                                                                             which 17 students participated. The task was to design a luminaire based on the principle
                                                                             of folding as a starting point. One of the challenges was that, in the end, actually functio-
                                                                             ning prototypes on a scale of one to one were to be presented. The jury, consisting of
                                                                             interior architects, specialist editors, representatives of the industry and the university,
                                                                             awarded six prizes. To my great joy, out of the many very successful works, my design
                                                                             came in first place. Second place was taken by to Charlotte Bausch, Tobias Diwersy and
                                                                             Verena  Zeller (IX).  Third place  was shared by Alexander Koch and Jürgen Oswald
                                                                             (Viel_Falt), Annika Sternegger and Bart Bouman (QUA LUX) and Aline Hatt (CHRYSTALU-
                                                                             NA). A special award went to Sarah Braunger and Verena Göllner (LEUCHTENDE DECKE).

                                                                             The unfolding of light

                                                                             I deliberately reduced the given subject of folding to the simple folding of an imagined
                                                                             band of light. This was, however, not to look like the frozen result of a movement but rat-
               Konzeptskizze der Leuchtenfamilie GAYA.light • Concept sketch of the GAYA.light luminaire seriesx  her, it should become possible to experience the dynamic process of the “unfolding”.
                                                                             Thus the light becomes something magical every time the lamp is switched on. A further
               Die Module der Stehleuchte „GAYA“ sind drehbar. • The modules of the GAYA floor lamp can be rotated.
                                                                             idea was to develop a modular luminaire with its basic module suitable for a variety of
                                                                             needs and, at best, expanding into a luminaire series. The OLEDs (Organic Light Emitting
                                                                             Diodes) prescribed as the illuminants stand out due to their particular flatness. It was
                                                                             essential for me to emphasize this feature. In addition, function and aesthetics were to
                                                                             by stylishly combined, operating was to be simple and intuitive yet the luminaire was
                                                                             never to completely reveal its secret. At the end of an intensive design process, GAYA.light
                                                                             resulted, consisting of a Y-shaped basic module: with the help of a sliding mechanism,
                                                                             two OLEDs are slid along the rectangular housing – the light unfolds in a magical way.
                                                                             Thanks to the various inclination angles of the illuminating surfaces, the light direction,
                                                                             the light effect and the luminous intensity can be individually controlled. Thus the thin
                                                                             component thickness of the OLED especially comes into its own. The Y luminaire can be
                                                                             used as a table lamp but also mounted on the wall. With the addition of a rod, it beco-
                                                                             mes AYA: Three of the Y modules are mounted horizontally. AYA is a suspended luminaire
                                                                             to be installed in various ways. If AYA is mounted onto a vertical rod with a base, it beco-
                                                                             mes the GAYA floor lamp: three Y modules which can be rotated around the rod axis and
                                                                             used separately. The modules currently consist of aluminium which is finished with black
                                                                             piano lacquer. I can also imagine a version without lacquer and consisting of brushed
                                                                             aluminium, matte or shiny, as well as of walnut wood or synthetic material.

                                                                             Patent pending

                                                                             The award giving ended the semester as well as my luminaire project, at least for the
                                                                             time being. Encouraged by my professor Myriam Gautschi, I decided to consult a patent
                                                                             attorney to have my design protected. While visiting the PLDC – Professional Lighting
                                                                             Design Convention in Rome in October 2015, for the first time I came into contact with
                                                                             the industry on my own and was able to establish good contacts with a view of promo-
                                                                             ting the implementation of my GAYA.light luminaire concept. That was why I recently
                                                                             applied for a stand on the Young Design Areal of the Light+Building exhibition which will
                                                                             take place in Frankfurt am Main from 13th to 18th March and am now one of the 15 young
                                                                             designers selected to present their designs there. The whole project was a lot of fun for
                                                                             me and was an interesting experience for me as a student of architecture where I learned
                                                                             a lot that was new although the procedures – apart from the scale – are definitely similar
                                                                             to designing and planning a building.

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