Page 83 - AIT0122_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design Balbek Bureau, UA-Kiew
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Ulyana Nesheva, 6:19, UA-Kiew
                                                                                     Standort • Location Voloska St. 50/38, UA-Kiew
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 111 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Yevhenii Avramenko, UA-Kiew
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 126

                                                                                     TATTOOSTUDIO 6:19

                                                                                     IN KIEV

                                          „Simplicity is the ultimate                A spatial setting for art under the skin – tattoo studios
                                                                                     have so far been an architectural task that only a few in-
                                        goal and the highest form of                 terior designers have been allowed to take on. However,

                                                  complexity.“                       the scene is evolving: many artists are fulfilling their
                                                                                     dream  of  a  private  studio  in  professionally  designed
                                                 Ulyana Nesheva                      rooms. Tattoo artist Ulyana Nesheva entrusted the Kiev-
                                                                                     based Balbek Bureau with the design of her Studio 6:19.

                                                                                     T   attoos are a controversial topic in our society; in recent decades,
                                                                                         however, they have gradually been on their way to becoming
                                                                                     more socially acceptable. The craft, which looks back on a long and
                                                                                     rich tradition, has undergone a considerable change in the process.
                                                                                     The current development brings forth numerous tattoo artists who
                                                                                     shape their own, mostly distinctive style and open their own private
                                                                                     studios. The rooms should be representative of their styles, radiate
                                                                                     professionalism and offer a hygienic, safe environment for tattoo en-
                                                                                     thusiasts – thus creating an atmosphere far away from the fear of ha-
                                                                                     ving to go into dubious areas to get tattooed. Balbek Bureau was en-
                                                                                     trusted with the development of an interior design concept for tattoo
             Isometrie • Isometric                                                   artist Ulyana Nesheva. Her Studio 6:19 now reflects the minimalist
                                                                                     feel that unites her tattoos and those of her studio colleagues. From
                                                                                     now on, a basic open-plan structure, which does almost without
                                                                                     doors, forms the subtle framework of a place that is dedicated in its
                                                                                     entirety to art. In the reception area, a circular wall opening offers the
                                                                                     first glimpses of the studio’s actual creative space. Further, already
                                                                                     existing, portal-like wall openings – carefully refurbished and left in
                                                                                     their multi-layered appearance – lead into a waiting room. Here, cus-
                                                                                     tomers can store their personal belongings in metal lockers and spent
                                                                                     their waiting times on tubular steel chairs with a bold design. As a
                                                                                     connecting element between these zones, a heavy graphite concrete
                                                                                     table undulates along the wall. Its chipped edges lend the place an
                                                                                     unconventional power – like a tattoo to the human body. A short cor-
                                                                                     ridor section hides the changing room and toilet and connects the tat-
                                                                                     too area with the reception. The work areas impress with pure white
                                                                                     surfaces and simple black tattooing recliners placed freely in the
                                                                                     room, perfecting the minimalist colour concept of the studio. Mobile
                                                                                     partitions provide the necessary privacy for more confidential sessi-
                                                                                     ons. The contours of the integrated mirrors, which seem to have bro-
                                                                                     ken out, trace the boundaries of the historic Podil district – a source
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  of inspiration for the studio owner’s tattoo artwork.

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