Page 95 - AIT0121_E-Paper
P. 95

Entwurf • Design Futudesign und Lindross, FI-Helsinki
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Ilmarinen Company, FI-Helsinki
                                                                                     Standort • Location Pohjoisesplanadi, FI-Helsinki
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 2.500 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Tuomas Uusheimo und Marc Goodwin
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 110

                                                                                     SHOPPINGCENTER KÄMP

                                                                                     GARDEN IN HELSINKI

                                                                                     The pace at which we are living our lives has increased
                                                                                     in the course of the past years. The music we are listening
                                                                                     to these days, the speed at which we travel or surf the In-
                                                                                     ternet – all the way to our present purchase behaviour …
                                                                                     In Helsinki, Lindroos Architects and Futudesign have de-
                                                                                     signed a sales area which, as a decelerated oasis, is an
                                                                                     alternative concept to this shopping hecticness.

                                                                                     W    hereas, just a few years ago, a particularly broad range of goods
                                                                                          on offer has been able to convince, the focus is shifting nowa-
                                                                                     days: Sustainability, longevity and fair production conditions are increa-
                                                                                     singly in demand among the customers. The awareness that each step –
                                                                                     no matter how small it may be – is able to contribute to a positive society
                                                                                     and the climate reversal is reflected in an industry whose fast pace re-
                                                                                     presents one of the major environmental sins of our time – the retail trade
                                                                                     but, most of all, the world of fashion. How it can be done differently is
                                                                                     shown by numerous small labels. Manageable collections produced re-
                                                                                     gionally and fairly with an approachable and personal kind of communi-
                                                                                     cation are gaining ground in order to replace price dumping and rampant
                                                                                     oversupply. Kamp Galleria in in Helsinki also realized this zeitgeist. On
                                                                                     the second level of the shopping centre, the Kämp Garden shopping area
                                                                                     has been designed with a deliberate focus on sensible shopping and on
                                                                                     establishing a community. Young Finnish brands are here given a plat-
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  form to present their goods – a mixture of fashion, beauty products,
                                                                                     books and interior furnishing. Futudesign and Lindroos Architects pro-
                                                                                     vide the suitable interior for this which successfully manages to translate
                                                                                     the name “garden” into space. Materials which draw parallels to public
                                                                                     gardens and squares characterize surprising flowing transitions. The se-
                                                                                     parate rooms of the individual brands dissolve into a public space. Inside
                                                                                     and outside seem to blur and represent the concept of a community at
                                                                                     the same time. A grid helps to divide the space into zones and is the basis
                                                                                     for the spatial programme which makes it possible to flexibly combine
                                                                                     store units or to separate whenever the requirements are changing.
                                                                                     Thanks to specifically produced partition walls, which can swing open
                                                                                     like a large revolving door, the shops open to the central piazza. The latter
                                                                                     is located below a large glass dome and – quite atypical for a shopping
                                                                                     centre – makes it possible for the customers to experience the times of
                                                                                     day while they are shopping inside. A bright room sequence has thus
                                                                                     been produced which, together with a curated offer of goods, is a plea-
             Schnitt • Section                                                       sant change from the usual crowded shopping miles.

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