Page 99 - AIT0120_E-Paper
P. 99

Entwurf • Design SOMAA, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Kodak Alaris Germany, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Standort • Location photokina 2018, 50679 Köln
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 252 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Zooey Braun, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More information on page 134

                                                                                     KODAK EXHIBITION

                                                                                     STAND IN COLOGNE

                                                                                     “You press the button, we do the rest” – This was the slo-
                                                                                     gan that George Eastman, the founder of the Kodak com-
                                                                                     pany, used more than 100 years ago to establish photo-
                                                                                     graphing and with the aim of making it more comfortable
                                                                                     for the user. At photokina in Cologne, Kodak Moments –
                                                                                     the renowned company’s partner for digital printing –
                                                                                     shows how the “photograph of tomorrow” might look.

                                                                                     P  honetography has become part of the world of photographs. Meals
                                                                                        are frequently being photographed, special moments are filmed,
                                                                                     uploaded to social platforms and shared there – the faithful companion
                                                                                     to do this: the smartphone. Beyond digitization, there is a trend that
                                                                                     people want to physically hold captured memories in print form in
                                                                                     their hands to look at them. Another aspect: Photographs and emoti-
                                                                                     ons decisively determine the advertising of products and the purchase
                                                                                     behaviour  –  the  latter  is  also  increasingly  influenced  by  the
                                                                                     smartphone. The exhibition stand of Kodak Moments literally illumi-
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  nates how the two strands could develop, intersect and complement
                                                                                     each other in the future. In cooperation with tat.sache, the Stuttgart
                                                                                     studio for communication, the architects of SOMAA had decided to de-
                                                                                     sign an exhibition stand which was oriented inwardly. With more than
                                                                                     100 printed photo panels hanging on the outside – linked to form a
                                                                                     passable, airy curtain – the topic of the stand becomes at once visible
                                                                                     from a distance yet remains reserved beyond this. Only once the stand
                                                                                     is entered does the concept of the four sections – separated as to co-
                                                                                     lour and theme – become clear for the visitor. The sections show how
                                                                                     the look of stores could in future change and which role the consumer
                                                                                     might play designing salesrooms and products. Thus the mint-coloured
             Schnitt • Section                                                       section presents the popular instant-printing products and the brand’s
                                                                                     devices whereas the blue zone with flexible lounge furniture suggests
                                                                                     possible looks that stores may have in the future. The purple section
                                                                                     shows and offers the visitor gastronomic service as well. As separate
                                                                                     meeting rooms, corner spaces in each section serve for individual and
                                                                                     personal talks customers. Placed in the middle and in shades of grey,
                                                                                     the seating landscape is the central contact point and waiting area. Be-
                                                                                     sides the photography itself, an abstraction of so-called Tape Art beco-
                                                                                     mes the linking element. Of interest since the 1960s particularly for
                                                                                     temporary projects and as an alternative to graffiti art, the white outli-
                                                                                     nes here suggest store scenes which, in a charming way, allow a look
             Ansicht • View                                                          into the future and provide room for individual interpretations.

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