Page 118 - AIT0120_E-Paper
P. 118


                                                                                                                                      Videokunst: © Guido van der Werve

            Im Foyer wurden die rauen Betondecken offengelegt. • The rough concrete ceilings in the foyer were exposed.  Ein glamouröser Lüster erleuchtet das Entree. • A glamorous chandelier illuminates the entrance hall.

            T  ime-based, ephemeral works of art fascinate the Berlin art collector Dr. Markus  Hannebauer purchased the vacant main building in 2016. From 2017 to 2019, Sauerbruch
                                                                          Hutton converted the foyer into a multi-purpose gallery. In addition, they created elabo-
               Hannebauer. The video "Secret Machine" (2009) by Reynold Reynolds, which the
            software entrepreneur bought in 2010, was the starting point for his Fluentum collec-  rately designed, residential and office rooms on the first floor, which, at the request of
            tion, which has since grown into a remarkable private museum. In the Speaking Images  the client, may not be published. In view of the eventful history of the listed building, the
            exhibition taking place in autumn 2019, the video art museum presented artworks from  architects decided against a classic restoration or reconstruction. To allow for flexible use,
            the collection for the first time in the foyer of the former Luftgau Command III in Berlin-  they reduced the rooms to their basic structure and preserved only the essentials.
            Dahlem, the new home of Fluentum. For the collector and the artists who will exhibit
            their works here in the future, the dark and light facets of the rooms steeped in history  Ambivalent staging of space and time
            are a challenge in terms of both content and design. The images of the fleeting video
            projections form an antagonistic contrast against the monumental interiors with neo-  Newly installed floor-to-ceiling doors visually connect the elaborately renovated foyer
            classical details in black marble.                            with the monumental avenue of the barracks courtyard. In order to interrupt the axial
                                                                          alignment of the entire complex, the white ceiling panelling in the foyer was removed
            Contemporary art in rooms steeped in history                  and the rough concrete ceilings exposed. The conversion emphasises the workshop cha-
                                                                          racter of the art gallery, while using selected details to stage contemporary testimonies
            The Fluentum video museum marks the second radical change in use in the history of  from the 1930s. The marble panelling was removed and then reinstalled with state-of-
            the listed building. From 1936 to 1938, architect Fritz Fuß constructed the headquarters  the-art technical installations and underfloor heating. Hannebauer, who initially bought
            of the Luftgau Command III for the Ministry of Aviation in the Grunewald forest. The re-  works of art, now finances and produces his own art projects together with artists. For
            armament and air raid precautions for Berlin and surrounding provinces were coordina-  private events, Sauerbruch Hutton renovated the Kennedy Hall, where four U.S. presi-
            ted here during WWII. After the German surrender, the US forces denazified the 5.6-hec-  dents had held receptions, on a human scale by renewing the panel parquet flooring in
            tare military complex and used the almost unscathed premises as US headquarters until  a 30 percent larger installation grid. The ballroom thus forms the invisible-visible high-
            1994. To this day, the American Consulate is located in the administrative complex, which  light of a sensitive conversion, which with subtle interventions contradicts the details and
            investors converted into 295 condominiums and business suites between 2011 and 2016.  proportions of prestigious NS architecture.

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