Page 107 - AIT0119_E-Paper
P. 107

Entwurf • Design Mees Visser, NL-Ams terdam
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Amsterdam Genetics, NL-Amsterdam
                                                                                        Standort • Location Humberweg 2, NL-Amsterdam
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 68 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Peter Tijhuis, NL-Amsterdam
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 142


                                                                                        IN AMSTERDAM

                                                                                        Dreary walls with wavy and faded posters, greasy fur-
                                                                                        niture, dim light and sticky air which makes it difficult
                                                                                        to breathe – the typical Amsterdam coffeeshop is rarely
                  „Unsere Aufgabe war es, ein offenes, einladendes                      a sanctuary of good taste. With the new Boerejongens
                                                                                        Coffeeshop designed by Mees Visser, the operator now
                    und transparentes Ladengeschäft zu entwerfen,                       proves that there are also alternatives and considerably
                                                                                        improves the image of her line of business!
                       das mehr einer Apotheke gleicht denn einer
                                dunklen, schummrigen Bar.“

                                            Uda Visser                                  S  he calls herself Mariska and is one of the very few women who are
                                                                                           in her line of business! Her products carry names such as White
                                                                                        Choco Block, Girl Scout Cookie or Big Buddha Cheese and have been
                                                                                        repeatedly awarded. They are produced in Morocco under fair-trade
                                                                                        conditions, sold by grams and meanwhile in her four shops in
                                                                                        Amsterdam, the so-called Boerejongens Coffeeshops. In recent years,
                                                                                        Mariska has achieved a small sensation: This is because she took the
                                                                                        business with marihuana, hashish and so on out of its eternal taboo
                                                                                        zone and managed to establish a true alternative to the city’s coffee
                                                                                        shops which are practically all saturated with smoke and immersed in
                                                                                        dim light. The recipe for success behind it is actually quite simple:
                                                                                        Mariska’s shops are designed  with the same quality standard, the
                                                                                        same care and love with which she also dedicates herself to her prize-
                                                                                        winning cannabis cultivations. With their massive, white marble coun-
                                                                                        ters, the noble wall panelling of oak wood and their filigree brass shel-
                                                                                        ves, the Boerejongens branches look a lot more like expensive phar-
                                                                                        macies or exclusive jewellery stores. This impression is enhanced by
                                                                                        the white coats worn by the well-trained staff as well as by the elegant-
                                                                                        ly dressed doormen  whose black bowler hats have long become a
                                                                                        trademark. The latest Boerejongens branch as well, located in a former
                                                                                        industrial  area  in  the  west  of  Amsterdam  which  is  currently  being
                                                                                        developed for future residential and mixed uses, by and large follows
                                                                                        the proven concept. For the “nuances”, however, this time Mariska
                                                                                        enlisted the professional support of the architects Uda  Visser and
                                                                                        Marijn Mees. They gave the former industrial building a modern make-
                                                                                        over, opened the ground-floor façades with large windows with oak
                                                                                        frames and designed a far-projecting canopy. The latter’s underside is
                                                                                        covered with perforated, acoustically effective brass sheet which seam-
                                                                                        lessly continues inside as a ceiling covering.  The perforation even
                                                                                        shows the contours of the Boerejongens logo! To avoid distracting from
                                                                                        the clear lines of the room, the complete lighting-, ventilation- and sur-
                Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  veillance technology was integrated as much as possible in the ceiling.

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