Page 109 - AIT0118_E-Paper
P. 109

Entwurf • Design B+P mit Dotze, TW-Taipeh
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Familie Yeh
                                                                                        Standort • Location Dihua Street, TW-Taipeh
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 735 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Hey! Cheese, TW-Taipeh
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 139

                                                                                        RICE MILL

                                                                                        IN TAIPEI

                „Das filigrane Fach werk bildet eine                                    For almost 100 years, the Yeh family has been trading
                                                                                        in rice in the centre of Taipei. Not one but two archi-
                moderate wie prägnante Ergänzung                                        tectural offices were now commissioned to breathe
                zum historischen Bestand.“                                              new life into the residential- and commercial buil-
                                                                                        ding from 1906. With much intuition, the planners
                                                                                        succeeded in transferring rice processing into the pre-
                                                                                        sent time without obliterating the historic traces.

                                                                                        A  s the cultural and economic centre of Taiwan, the capital
                                                                                           Taipei has for a long time already developed into a glittering
                                                                                        metropolis of millions. Historic buildings, local shops and the tra-
                                                                                        ditional way of life, however, are still present in some corners in
                                                                                        the midst of high-rises. This also goes for Dihua Street where red
                                                                                        brick buildings from the Japanese colonial times are standing in
                                                                                        a row. This is where, starting in 1895, mainly Japanese merchants
                                                                                        settled with residences and shops. To this day, from crockery to
                                                                                        medicinal herbs all the way to rice, anything a Taiwanese house-
                                                                                        hold needs for daily life is available in this street. Since 1923, the
                                                                                        Yeh family has been running its rice trade here. To preserve the
                                                                                        family tradition and, at the same time, keep up with the compe-
                                                                                        tition, they recently had their spacious brick building from 1906
                                                                                        refurnished. The architects Chia Hao Tsai from B+P Architects and
                                                                                        Tze Chun Wei from the Dotze Innovations Studio found the ade-
                                                                                        quate way to honour the charm of what was there and to mark
                                                                                        the step into the future with just a few but effective elements and
                                                                                        materials. The com ple te ground floor is dedicated to rice and its
                                                                                        marketing. In the sales room, a free-standing framework of
                Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                               Japanese cypress wood is clearly noticed as a newly added ele-
                                                                                        ment which characterizes the space without covering up the his-
                                                                                        toric building stock. The filigree structure takes up functions such
                                                                                        as lighting in the form of lanterns interpreted in a modern way
                                                                                        and air conditioning including its  wiring as  well as the goods
                                                                                        shelves bordering the room. In addition to trading, the owners
                                                                                        have made it their goal to give the customers an understanding
                                                                                        of the diversity of rice. The bakery as well as a seminar room is
                                                                                        located in the back. Equipment such as a historic rice mill and
                                                                                        numerous display boards give an insight into the local rice cul-
                                                                                        ture. Day by day, the employees of B+P architects have the plea -
                                                                                        sure of eating rice products prepared at the counter in the
                Schnitt • Section                                                       entrance area.

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