Page 5 - AIT1115_Amsterdam
P. 5

Stock: Hipster-Café an der Einkaufsmeile (16) • Stock: hipster café (16)  Eye-Museum: bewegte Landschaft (18) • Eye: animated landscape (18)  Hier wird ein Haus gedruckt (19). • A house is printed here (19).

                T   he City of Amsterdam is a Mecca for architects. When  jectified – Amsterdam School, is lo cated directly opposite.   Skylounge too stuffy should preferably stay in one of the
                                                         2 p.m. – We reach the Roelof Hartplein in the De Dageraad
                                                                                                  120 differently designed room of the Lloyd Hotel (11).
                    the city experienced an enormous growth at the be -
                ginning of the 20th century, numerous municipal housing  estate (5). It is the third largest ensemble of the Amsterdam
                projects were implemented around the city’s core, which  School in the surroundings of the old town and was imple-  Sunday: The new Amsterdam
                were primarily planned by representatives of the so-called  mented between 1918 and 1931. We continue in the direc-
                Amsterdam School.                        tion of the city centre and the famous Scheep vaart huis (6).  10 a.m. – I recommend breakfast at the Grand Café in the
                                                         It was built from 1912 to 1916 by architect Joan van der Meij,  Beurs van Berlage (12). Filled up on energy, the tour then
                Saturday: Amsterdam School               who can also be included with the Amsterdam School, and  brings you to the museum quarter in the southwestern
                                                         served as the joint headquarters of Amsterdam’s shipping  part of the old town, where the visitor finds three instituti-
                10 a.m. – Our tour starts in the Spaarndammerbuurt Dist -  com panies. Today, the com plex accommodates the Grand  ons of worldwide renown: the Rijksmuseum (13), the Van
                rict. Between 1917 and 1920, Mi chel de Klerk implemented  Hotel Amrâth. For those who would like to have an aperitif  Gogh Museum (14) and the Stedelijk Museum (15).
                a perimeter development called Het Ship (1) on a ta pe ring  in proper style in the ambience of the Amsterdam School,  3 p.m. – After the museum tour, we reinvigorate ourselves
                site, one of the icons of the Am ster dam School. After wards,  I warmly recommend Café Batavia (7).    at Café Stock (16). After a stopover, we continue the tour
                we walk through the Jor daan District. A de tour to the Wes -  8 p.m. – Subsequently, the Blauw aan de Wal (8) is a per-  by boat to the northern part of the city. The free ferries start
                ter huis (2) is recommended. The former school building  fect choice for dinner. The nightcap, in turn, is best enjoyed  behind the Centraal (17), which is undergoing ex tension ac -
                belongs to designer Mar cel Wanders, who not only has his  at the Skylounge (9) on the 11th floor of the nearby Hilton  cording to a master plan by Benthem Crou wel until 2016.
                office and a showroom in this building but also makes the  Hotel. Alternatively, a visit to the countless coffee shops  On the opposite bank, we are greeted by the sculptural
                premises available to other creative people. Having arrived  suggests itself. Owing to their (lack of) design, the majority  new building of the Dutch Film Museum: the Eye (18) by
                at the Roelof Hart plein, the second destination of our tour  of shops are not recommended for architects and interior  Delugan Meissl was completed in 2012. Only a few hun-
                to buildings by the Amsterdam School, it is worthwhile to  designers. One exception, however, is the  Damp kring-  dred metres behind the film museum is the construction
                stop at Café Wild schut (3). The Het Nieuwe Huis (4) con-  Coffeeshop (10) in the old town.    site of the 3D Print Canal House (19) by Dus Architects.
                structed by Barend v.d. Nieuwen Ams tel between 1927 and  11 p.m. – Visitors who think the Amrâth in the Scheep -  6 p.m. – Before we return to the ferry, one should also have
                1928, an important representative of the late – more ob -  vaarthuis is too expensive and the Hilton underneath the  a look at the THT Pavilion (20).

                    DESIGN, DAS EUROPA

                  In Zusammenarbeit mit der britischen
                  Designerin Emily Tyers entwickelt:
                  drapilux COORDN8

                  Bewährte Grundwaren werden mit
                  neuen, modernen Dessins im
                  nordischen Stil verknüpft.

                  Hier passt die Gardine zum Möbelbezug,
                  der Verdunkler zum Bettüberwurf.

                  Die Designs harmonieren nicht nur
                  innerhalb einer Farbwelt – auch ein
                  Cross-over gelingt perfekt.

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