Page 5 - AIT1114_Basel
P. 5




                Foto: Christian Richters                 Foto: Andreas Zimmermann

                Wohnhochhaus (13) von Diener & Diener  • Residential tower block (13)   Café und Bar „Zum Kuss“ (17) • Café and Bar “Zum Kuss” (17)

                I  n Basel, building activities take place on a limited  ket hall, we can take a closer look at the “Elsässertor”
                                                         (14) by Herzog & de Meuron (2004) and the USB training
                  area. The city area can only be expanded to a limited
                extent – consequently most projects aim to increase the  and conference centre (15) by Diener & Diener (1994).
                urban density. Former industrial sites are as suitable for
                this purpose as track installations or underused plots.  08:00 p.m. – My recommendation for dinner is the
                                                         Birsecker Hof (16) serving good Italian cuisine. To let the
                Saturday: exhibition centre, housing concepts  evening fade away with a Swiss-made gin, we continue to
                                                         the Zum Kuss Bar (17) – a former cemetery chapel in the
                09:30 a.m. – arrival at the railway station “Badischer  park Elisbethenpärkli, which was converted by Christ &
                Bahnhof” (1). One should definitely take time for a short  Gantenbein.
                tour of the Wilhelminian-style station built by Karl Moser
                in 1912. From the station we walk – along a remarkable  Sunday: Basel Minster, old town, prison
                perimeter development dating from the 1920s – to the
                Basel Exhibition Centre (2).             09:00 a.m. – The Münster Ferry brings us from the hotel
                                                         to the other side of the Rhine, to the foot of the Minster.
                10:30 a.m. – In the Kleinbasel bakery  ‘Zuckerbäckerei  We  walk up the hill to the  Basel Minster (18). The
                Bubeck’ (3) on Clarastrasse we regain our strength with a  Natural History Museum (19) 100 metres away is a pro-
                Gipfeli (typical Swiss pastry) and a cup of coffee. In the  ject by architect Melchior Berri dating from 1849.
                department store ‘Kaufhaus zur Rheinbrücke’ (4) (today
                ‘Kaufhaus Manor’), which was constructed by architects  10:30 a.m. – We stop at the “Unternehmen Mitte” (20)
                Lutz and Brütsch in 1932, one can pay a  visit to  Café  for a second breakfast. Later on,  we  visit the  “Fügli-
                Spettacolo.                              staller” (21) by Burckhardt and Sutter. From here,  we
                                                         make a little detour to the SAM Architecture Museum
                11:00 a.m. – Check-in at the Hotel Krafft (5). The hotel  (22) converted by Peter Märkli.
                located directly at the Kleinbasel Rhine embankment
                dates from 1873 and  was converted a few  years ago.  12:30 p.m. – A perfect place to have lunch is the
                Relieved from our luggage,  we stroll further on to  the  “Lohnhof” (23)
                Warteck Area  (6). Subsequently, we visit  the  recently
                                                                                                       KLINIKUM GROSSHADERN
                completed residential development Riva (7) designed by  15:00 p.m. – After visiting  the  Gate of Spalen (24) we  Architekturbüro German Haimerl
                architectural practice jessenvollenweider.  leave the old town in the direction of Burgfelderplatz, from
                                                         where  we continue our  walk a little further to  St.
                12:30 p.m. – With the St. Alban ferry we cross the River  Anthony’s Church (25). Our next destination is  “Volta
                Rhine and have lunch in the Restaurant Papiermühle (8).  Zentrum” (26) by Buchner Bründler Architekten.  The
                After that, another housing project is on our agenda: the  Volta-Schulhaus (27) by Miller & Maranta is located not  TECTUS®
                Zossen car park (9). Next destination is Picassoplatz (10),  far from here. Then crossing Voltastraße, one ends up right
                which is surrounded by several buildings worth seeing.  in front of the Novartis Campus (28), where office and  Das komplett verdeckt
                                                         laboratory buildings by international star architects were
                03:00 p.m. – The  Basel  Art Museum (11) is currently  constructed according to  Vittorio Lampugnani’s master  liegende Türbandsystem
                undergoing major changes. Then we visit the residential  plan. Those who are interested in visiting the works by  für auf Flächen bündigkeit
                complex “Wohnhaus im Schwarzpark” (12). We stop at  Frank O. Gehry, David Chipperfield and Co. have to parti-  ausgelegte Raumkonzepte.
                the market hall (13), the octagonal domed building by  cipate in a public tour of the otherwise closed off site.
                Hans Eduard Rhyner from 1929 with an adjoining resi-
                dential tower block by Diener & Diener (2011). At the mar-  05:00 p.m. – Ferry crossing to Kleinbasel.

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