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                                    Ender Cicek

                                    2013–2014 Studium Bauingenieurswesen, Universität Stuttgart 2014–2019
                                    Bachelorstudium Architektur und Stadtplanung, Universität Stuttgart 2019
                                    AiP bei hochstrasser.architekten, Ulm

                                                                             somit überfordern. Das Fremde an sich überfordert. Dennoch sind es neue, bisher nicht
                                                                             gedachte Räume, die in einem solchen Prozess entstehen. Beim Betrachten und Betreten
                                                                             eines solchen Raumes überwiegen Faktoren, die sich gegenseitig bedingen und bestim-
                                                                             men: Das Fremdartige – das nicht Bestimmbare und zugleich die Bewusstwerdung der
                                                                             Verbindung mit etwas Bekanntem, was sich jedoch innerhalb des Kontextes wieder voll-
                                                                             kommen entzieht. Zu bemerken ist, dass dieser Raum, so wie er entstanden ist, nur ent-
                                                                             stehen konnte, weil er in einer Art „Zufallsraum“ gebildet wurde. Das Entstandene über-
                                                                             fordert gerade, weil es zufällig ist – eben nicht kontingent entstanden ist. Es wird also
                                                                             zwangsläufig ein Raum gebildet, der nicht im Vorhinein gedacht werden kann und da-
                                                                             durch den Moment der Überforderung auslöst und diesen sogar verstärkt. Es ist genau
                                                                             dieses Fremde – das nicht Denkbare, was im nächsten Schritt zu anderen Räumen und
                                                                             auch neuen Räumen im Allgemeinen führt. Wichtig ist zu bemerken, dass nur durch das
                                                                             Weglassen des Individuums innerhalb des Entwurfsprozesses selbst und damit durch
                                                                             das Entwerfen frei von Assoziationen andere Räume entstehen können. Das Entwerfen
                                                                             von solchen anderen Räumen braucht dabei nicht weniger, sondern mehr Entfremdung.
                                                                             Genau diese Entfremdung wird mit der Überforderung in unserer Arbeit erreicht.

                                                                             T  he basis for our bachelor thesis is the concept "Architecture of Beauty of Architec-
                                                                                ture" - provided by the Institute for Principles of Modern Architecture (Design and
                                                                             Theory; IGmA) at the University of Stuttgart. The task involved the view that beauty
                                                                             today seems to be the main criterion for judging architecture. Within this concept, we
                                                                             have rather focused on the issue of producing beauty. For us, a possible answer to this
                                                                             group of topics ultimately presents itself in our thesis entitled Überforderung (over-
                                                                             load). We have tried to understand how theory in general deals with a wide range of
                                                                             cultural and architectural scenarios. The result is a working hypothesis that represents
               Einzelne Fragmente, unterschiedlich angeordnet, ... • Individual fragments, arranged differently, ...  the intersection of individual theories. We started with the subject area of architectural
                                                                             fragments and their possible interpretation. The following criteria were decisive: 1. the
               ... ergeben die Vorstufen der Gesamtkomposition. • ... form the preliminary stages of the overall composition.  design is free of any specifications and 2. there is no context.You could say we played
                                                                             - played according to Johan Huizinga's theory. We had to play a design game in order
                                                                             to come up with a product and then determine its qualities and significance. At first,
                                                                             spaces of contrariness, emerge. These define themselves as space without function,
                                                                             rules, control and, above all, without order. The site opposes any function and any re-
                                                                             lation to the existing social order. In this thesis we see an approach to something con-
                                                                             ceptually spatially unusual and unexpected. One could also say: the creation of other
                                                                             spaces. According to philosopher Michel Foucault, other spaces are places where the
                                                                             norms established by society are undermined.

                                                                             The purpose of otherness holds the opportunity of new approaches

                                                                             Due to the lack of normative thinking, the cultural, social and political structures of a
                                                                             society are questioned. The aim is to see in a space and thus in a place no other pur-
                                                                             pose than that of being different. In this way, it does not follow a convention and chal-
                                                                             lenges perception. We expose ourselves to the overload that this image or installation
                                                                             creates. It should force us to look at the familiar space with different eyes. Who could
                                                                             live in or use such spaces? In this context we came across a theory of Huizinga, that of
                                                                             Homo Ludens - the playing human being - and were of the opinion that society, which
                                                                             is free of any work and constraints, could create a space of this kind – a pleasure garden
                                                                             of the Homo Ludens. We believe that it is precisely this finding that represents the
                                                                             greatest quality of the thesis and that a precise specification should be secondary. Con-
                                                                             tingency plays a central role. According to Niklas Luhmann, contingency is something
                                                                             that is neither necessary nor impossible; something that can be the way it is, but at the
                                                                             same time could be different. Even the perception of the world is contingent. The theo-
                                                                             retical elaboration of the project originated from our thoughts and intentions to create
                                                                             an inhuman, overstraining architecture.

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