Page 6 - AIT1014_Istanbul
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             Die Stresskiller

             und Kostensenker

             für Konferenzräume

             Mobile Präsentationstechnik von easybeam

                                                                                                 Foto: Murat Germen

                                                        Borusan Contemporary (22) • Borusan Contemporary (22)  Sakip Sabanci Mu seum (23) • Sakip Sabanci Mu seum (23)
                                easybeam neo
                                                        T  he Bosporus is Europe’s most famous waterway and  2:00 p.m. – On Moda Caddesi, musicians from the nearby
                                                           joins the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea. It is the
                                                                                                 Kadiköy Conservatoire like to volunteer a song. The Ayaz -
                                                        city’s spine and unites cultures. Joining cultures is also the  ma Shrine (11) hides underneath the Koco Restaurant (10)
                                                        aim of Erdogan and Gabriele Kern-Altindis. The German-  at the southern end of this street. Further down the café at
                                                        Turkish duo has established  Manzara Istanbul (01), an  the end of the Moda landing pier (12) affords a fabulous
                                                        intercultural tourist institution. Stylish apartments of vario-  view of the Sea of Marmara and Prince Islands. Our route
                                                        us sizes and  with fantastic  views (in  Turkish: Manzara)  leads us back to Kadiköy via the Pendik Promenade (13).
               easybeam pico                            around the Galata Tower are available.
                                                                                                 6:00 p.m. – From the ferry dock (07) in Kadiköy we return
                                                        Saturday: On the other side ...          to Galata. Those who have some energy left should make
                                                                                                 a detour to the Elipsis Gallery (14) featuring photo art.
                                                        9:00 a.m. – Charming, culinary, plain: good traditional fare
                                                        is already piled up in the glass showcases of the Lokantas  8:00 p.m. – Next to the entrance to Europe’s oldest funicu-
                                                        (simple restaurants) around the Galata Tower. The morning  lar railway, Tünel (15), at the end of the Istiklal Caddesi
                                                        starts in the sympathetic Galata Kitchen (02).   shopping mile, is a branch of the Leb-i Derya Restaurant
                                easybeam pult
                                                                                                 (16). Reservation recommended! The evening can end with
                                                        10:00 a.m. – The tour continues down to the Camondo  a stroll through the galleries in the Tomtom district or along
                                                        Stairs (03). The sweeping stair sculpture was donated by  Istiklal Caddesi and its narrow side streets.
                                                        the Jewish banking family Camondo around 1880. Banka -
                                                        lar Caddesi (street of banks), where international banks Sunday: On the Bosporus ...
                                                        opened branches in the late 19th century, is located at the
                                                        bottom of the stairs. The former Ottoman Bank building  9.00 a.m. – Our breakfast destination – Kale Cafe – is loca-
                                                        now accommodates the culture institution SALT Research  ted upstream. Our route along the Bosporus leads past the
                                                        (04). Han Tümertekin, one of the most significant Turkish  splendid palaces  Dolmabahce Sarayi (17) and  Ciragan
                                                        architects, revitalised the venerable building in 2009.   Sarayi (18). Under neath the first Bosporus Bridge, one can
                                                                                                 discover a red pagoda building designed by Bruno Taut
             easybeam vision                            11:30 a.m. – The tour leads further down the hill to Kara -  (19) during his years in Istanbul.
                                                        köy (05), where we enter the ferry and travel to the other
                                                        side. Here, a castle-like building appears on the port side.  10.00 a.m. – Kale Cafe (20) is located right on the water-
                                                        Haydarpasa Station (06), donated by Emperor Wilhelm II,  front. The view is marvellous and the breakfast is opulent.
                                                        once was the starting point of the legendary Baghdad rail-
                                                        way and symbol of the German-Turkish friendship.  12.00 p.m. – Subsequently, one can explore culture in a
                                                                                                 historic castle complex, which accommodates the Rumeli
                                                        12:00 p.m. – We disembark in the Kadiköy district. The  Hisari Museum (21), or in the contemporary headquarters
                              BeamCase                  ageing ferry dock (07) was constructed by Vedat Tek in the  of the successful Turkish Borusan Holding Company.
                                                        style of the First National Architectural Movement (1912–
                                                        1930). Following Sögütlü Cesme Caddesi (Cadde = street),  14.00 p.m. – Another significant private art collection is
                                                        the  Mehmet Efendi coffee roasting house (08) is long  located further upstream: the Sakip Sabanci Museum (23)
                                                        known for its premium coffee quality.    features an impressive calligraphy collection.

                      Weltpremieren auf                 1:00 p.m. – Stimulated by a ramble through the colourful  17.00 p.m. – We end the day on the Bosporus. From the
                      der ORGATEC in Köln               alleys with fish and vegetable shops, bars and restaurants,  Emirgan Pier (24), boats return to the city centre past the
                      21. - 25. Oktober 2014
                                                        one can spend the lunch break in the Ciya (09): an exqui-  incomparable cultural landscape. If you are lucky, you are
                      Halle 11.2, Stand E-069
                                                        site culinary trip through the Turkish-Levantine cuisine.  accompanied by dolphins.
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