Page 5 - AIT0723_Nuernberg
P. 5


           Foto: Simeon Johnke Fotografie, Nürnberg                                                                                  Foto: Florian Trykowski

                                                                                                                                     Foto: Christian Höhn / Copyright: Stadt Nürnberg

           Foto: Stefan Meyer

           Restaurant Fujiyama (16) und Dokumentationszentrum (17) • Restaurant Fujiyama, Documentation Center (17)   Dokumentationszentrum (17) und Meistersingerhalle (18) • Documentation Center, Meistersingerhalle

           Located in the St. Sebald parsonage, the small yet significant exhibition Stein und Tür   former Carthusian monastery. In 1993, a new entrance building (Architektengruppe me di
           explores an important chapter of Jewish history in Nuremberg. Continuing our journey,   um) was added. Currently, the old South and Southwest buildings (Sep Ruf, 1953–1976) are
           we pass the Toy Museum and reach the impressive medieval St. Sebald Church (9),   being renovated by David Chipperfield Architects. The entrance to the museum is located
           Nuremberg’s oldest parish church.                             on Straße der Menschenrechte (Street of Human Rights), adorned with engraved articles
           r 16:30 – We then pass by the Dürer monument and reach the Tiergärtnertor. Attractions in   from the German Basic Law, an artwork by Dani Karavan.
           this area include Café Wanderer and the Albrecht Dürer House (10).  r 13:30 – For lunch, we head to the Japanese restaurant Fujiyama (16) (see AIT 06.2021).
           r 18:00 – Now it’s time to walk up to the Imperial Castle (11), one of the most significant   The interior designed by Bermüller + Niemeyer impresses with bright slats made of spruce
           imperial palaces in the Middle Ages. The former imperial stables now house a youth   wood alternating with dark acoustic felt made from recycled PET bottles.
           hostel that has received multiple architecture and design awards (architecture: Fritsch,   r 14:30  –  We then take a tram to the  Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally
           Knodt, and Klug; interior design: Franchi & Dannenberg, 2013).  Grounds (17). From 1933 to 1938, the massive area in the south of Nuremberg was
           r 19:00 – The Castle Quarter is a good place to enjoy the evening. For a nightcap, the   the venue of party rallies of the NSDAP. Since 2001, the northern head building of the
           Vintage Bar and the Blume von Hawaii beckon with their inviting atmosphere. Additionally,   incomplete Congress Hall (Franz Ruff) has served as a museum – an important place
           the trendy Z-Bau (12), a hub for contemporary culture, is always worth a visit.  for confronting our history. Austrian architect Günther Domenig was quoted as saying
                                                                         that he had driven a “spear through Speer”, referring to the brilliant axis concept for
           Sunday: History, Delights and Remembrance                     the museum’s layout. Currently, the Documentation Center is undergoing renovation
                                                                         and expansion (Fritsch, Knodt, and Klug).
           r 10:00 – Sunday begins with a visit to the Kunsthalle Nürnberg (13). The historical   r 18:00 – On the way back, a stop at the Meistersingerhalle (18) is recommended. Opened
           exhibition  spaces  were  renovated  in  2019  by  Wurlitzer  Architekten,  providing  the   in 1963, it was one of the most progressive concert halls in Europe (architecture: Harald
           perfect setting for contemporary art.                         Loebermann; interior design: Wunibald Puchner). Back at the main station, we head up
           r 11:30 – Passing Hallplatz, with the prominent Mauthalle (14) (architect: Hans Beheim, 1498–  to the rooftop bar of the new Motel One, which is part of the Tafelhof Palais. Max Dudler
           1502) and the Monument for Flight and Expulsion (Joachim Bandau, 1999), we arrive at the   integrated the listed areas of the former post office into a new architectural ensemble.
           Germanisches Nationalmuseum (15). Its incredible collection spans all areas of German   From the hotel bar, the view extends over the Old Town to the north – a panorama that
           art. The museum complex is a conglomeration of various buildings arranged around a   will surely leave a lasting impression.

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