Page 5 - AIT0722_Valencia
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            Feine Küche: Maritimes Fischrestaurant La Sastrería (13) • Fine cuisine: fish restaurant La Sastrería (13)  Feine Künste: Bombas Gens Centre d’Art (16) und IVAM (18) • Fine arts: Bombas Gens Centre d’Art and IVAM

            ternational level, a detour to the Lladró flagship store (5) is worthwhile: founded in  enjoy one of the city’s typical drinks: a refreshing horchata (a non-alcoholic drink made
            1953 not far from the city, the Lladró porcelain factory is now a global leader in the de-  from tiger nuts) or an agua de València (a cocktail made from cava or champagne,
            sign, manufacture and sale of artistic creations made of this fragile material.  orange juice, vodka and gin).
            r 12:00 – Two absolute musts are the Mercado Central (6) and the neighbouring Lonja  r 20:00 – We now head towards the coast for dinner at La Sastrería (13). Opened in
            de la Seda (7). In the impressive market hall, one of the main examples of Valencian  2020 (see AIT06/2021), the exquisite seafood restaurant is located in a former tailor’s
            Art Nouveau and a national cultural heritage site, regional culinary delights are on offer.  shop in the up-and-coming El Cabanyal-El Canyamelar district. The interior, also desi-
            After the hustle and bustle of the Mercado Central, we enter a completely different world  gned by Masquespacio, is a real feast for the eyes.
            right next door: Lonja de la Seda, completed in 1533, is for me one of the most beautiful
            buildings in Valencia – and as one of the most important secular Gothic buildings in  Sunday: coffee, art and delicacies
            Europe, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The imposing portico of the former silk ex-
            change sends the visitor on an impressive journey through time: silk weaving was the  r 9:00 – When it comes to accommodation, I recommend to friends and acquaintances
            city’s most important industry from the 14th to the 18 century.  who come to visit Valencia the gorgeous YOURS Hotel (14), which was opened last sum-
            r 14:00 – If you’re feeling peckish, the hip and trendy Blackbird Café (8) offers delicious  mer. The young owners Daphne Kniest and Wouter Knock fulfilled their dream when
            and healthy snacks and sandwiches.                            buying the historical townhouse in Valencia’s up-and-coming district of Ruzafa. Together
            r 15:00 – Those looking for souvenirs beyond mass-produced items will find unusual  with local architect Irene Soriano, they breathed new life into the run-down property
            pens, notebooks, postcards and art prints at Sebastian Melmoth (9). Special stationery  and turned it into a contemporary boutique hotel with twelve rooms. For breakfast, they
            can also be found in the new Rubio flagship store (10), designed by the popular design  serve delicacies from the local market around the corner, accompanied by speciality
            studio Masquespacio. The nostalgic brand has been producing exercise books for more  coffee from the roastery in the neighbourhood: Bluebell Coffee (15) is not only where
            than 60 years. Selected fashion, shoes, snacks and beverages are then available at Pop-  half the residents of Ruzafa buys their coffee – the beautiful interior terrace also invites
            pyns (11), which is located in an elegant Art Deco building just around the corner from  locals and tourists to sit down and enjoy a freshly brewed cup of coffee right there.
            the famous Mercado de Colón (12).                             r 10:00 – Valencia’s museum landscape is diverse and top-class. We start at the Bom-
            r 18:00 – As an imposing example of Valencian architecture from the early 20 century,  bas Gens Centre d’Art (16): the museum is accommodated in a former factory from the
            the market hall has been declared a national monument – and it is the perfect place to  1930s and exhibits contemporary art in magnificently modernised industrial architec-
            044 • AIT 7/8.2022
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