Page 5 - AIT0714_BadenBaden
P. 5

Fotos: Antje Scheerer, Baden-Baden       Fotos: Antje Scheerer, Baden-Baden

                Villa Hardenberg von • by Egon Eiermann (14)  Das Café der Kunsthalle wird alle zwei Jahre neu gestaltet. (17) • The café of the Kunsthalle is redesigned every two years. (17)
                                                                                                  Museum Frieder Burda von • by Richard Meier (18)
                indulge in the Roman-Irish baths of Friedrichsbad (2) from  Alsace (travel time 30 minutes) and eat Flammkuchen (a
                1877. Bathing is done in the nude there, towels are provi-  special kind of quiche) in Roppenheim or Röschwoog.
                ded. Ascending the stairways of the baths, we arrive at
                Neues Schloss (3). From there, one enjoys a marvellous  10 p.m. – For a pleasant end to the day, we enjoy a drink
                view of the town. The castle is currently being converted  in the cigar lounge of the famous Brenners Park-Hotel (9)
                into a luxury hotel by the Karlsruhe archis architectural  – which is being renovated by local Kruse Architekten.
                office – commissioned by Kuwaiti investors.
                                                         12 a.m. – Overnight stays are possible in one of the many
                10:30 a.m. – We leave the old town towards the northwest  hotels in different price ranges found in the centre, for
                for a detour to the Festspielhaus (4), with its opera hall  instance the Batschari Suite Hotel (11). Europe’s first ciga-
                built onto the tracks of the former Stadtbahnhof. The neo-  rette factory was formerly located in the listed building.
                classicist Alter Bahnhof is now the entrance area. Viennese  This was where the famous “Cigaretten” from A. Batschari
                architect Wilhelm Holzbauer was responsible for the con -  had been made. Constructed more than 100 years ago, the
                ver sion completed in the late 1990s with a fly tower.  former factory is still one of the town’s most striking buil-
                                                         dings. It had been vacant for many years until, in 2006, an
                12.30 p.m. – Appetite lures us back into the centre. The  investor had the  whole building complex converted by
                best pizza and pasta Genovese is served at da Pietro (5),  Fuchshuber Architekten from Leipzig.
                our favourite Italian restaurant.
                                                         Sunday: Park, architecture and art       Foto: Museum Frieder Burda
                2 p.m. – For a cosy shopping tour in the afternoon, we re -
                commend the pedestrian zone and the alleys of the old  10 a.m. – We start our Sunday with a tasty breakfast in the
                town. Well-known chain stores but also smaller bou tiques  Trinkhalle (12). It was built according to plans by Heinrich
                invite to enjoyable browsing. Deserving a special mention:  Hübsch, a student of Friedrich  Weinbrenner, in 1839 to  1.30 p.m. – Fortified by a lunch of select specialties in the
                Leuchtenstudio Candela (6) close to Augustaplatz and  1842 on the right of the Kurhaus and the Casino (13). The  Indian restaurant Namaskaar (16), we continue on to the
                offering a large range of luminaires displayed in a beauti-  recently restored  wall paintings by Jakob Götzenberger  “mu seum mile” at Lichtentaler Allee. Right next to the neo-
                fully renovated old building. Right next door,  you may  now shine in their old splendour. The café with its terrace  classicist Staatliche Kunsthalle (17) – built by the architects
                order custom-made shoes at Vickermann und Stoya (7) or  is also recommended because of the beautiful view of the  Hermann Billing and  Wilhelm  Vittali between 1907 and
                just look at the shop. For special occasions, shoe-cleaning  Kurhaus as a backdrop.  1909 modernized by the Karlsruhe architects Rossmann
                courses for men are organized here.                                               and Partners – stands since 2004 the  Museum Frieder
                                                         11 a.m. – On Kaiserallee and Lichtentaler Allee, we stroll  Burda (18) by Richard Meier. The museum café, redesigned
                6 p.m. – For Saturday, 2nd August 2014, a very special eve-  south. In the 19th century, the latter had become famous  every two years, currently looks like a garden oasis: For the
                ning event is scheduled: this is  when the  yearly  as the promenade of the famous visitors to the chic spa  Prinzessinnengärten environment-friendly pro ject by Urban
                Philharmonische Parknacht (10) will take place. Under the  town which, at the time, people liked to call the “summer  Gardening and modelled on the Berlin pilot project, the
                gigantic trees of Lichtentaler Allee, Italian music will be on  capital of Europe”. On the slope on our right: villa architec-  vegetables and herbs served are home-grown. The furnitu-
                the concert programme this year.         ture from the turn of the century. Those who do not wish  re was made of receycled materials and built according to
                                                         to walk that far may take bus no. 206 from the Lichtentaler  the instructions by Italian designer Enzo Mari.
                7 p.m. – Dinner at the Restaurant Rizzi (8), in the heart of  Allee/Museen stop to Birkenbuckel and then  wander
                Baden-Baden and right at the park of Lichten taler Allee, is  through the elegant district. This takes us directly past Villa  4 p.m. – For coffee and cake, today we go to Lichten taler -
                an experience.  The Mediterranean-organic food offered  Hardenberg (14) designed by architect Egon Eiermann in  strasse – to Café König (19) rich in tradition and something
                and a selection of international wines can be enjoyed in -  1958 for the family of Graf von Hardenberg. By the way, in  of a cult due to its integrated chocolate manufactory. On
                side or on the terrace in front of the fireplace. As an alter-  the very northern part of Baden-Baden there is another  the beautiful sun deck, we complete our weekend with
                native, those who have come by car may drive to nearby  building (15) by Eiermann, constructed 1959 to 1962.   chocolate and delicious cheesecake.

                                                                                                                             AIT 7/8.2014  •  057
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