Page 5 - AIT0623_FranzSue
P. 5


                                                                          r Ms Hottenbacher, you graduated from TU Dresden in August 2021. You have been
                                                                          working at Franz&Sue in Vienna since March 2022. Your first job after graduating!
                                                                          How does it feel to start your professional life?
                                                                          On the one hand, starting your professional life is a relief because you are finally doing
                                                                          what you have been working towards for years. On the other hand, it is a little scary
                                                                          because, for now, there is no longer a tangible goal, like graduating from high school
                                                                          or finishing your studies. Starting a career as an architect is also interesting because in
                                                                          your studies you are unfortunately very focused on performance phase 0 and other
                                                                          areas are only touched on marginally. If you don’t work in the competition department
                                                                          in the office, you get to know a completely different side of architecture. As concerns
                                                                          the project of Oberwart education centre to which I am contributing, I started in the
            Rendering: ARGE Franz&Sue/Schenker Salvi Weber                know a lot of the technical details, and it is a constant learning process. But that also
                                                                          preliminary-design phase. In the meantime, we have reached the submission planning
                                                                          stage. This corresponds to the approval planning in Germany. I am only now getting to

                                                                          makes it exciting.

                                                                          r How did you choose your first office?

                                                                          ented kind of building, while still keeping the focus on aesthetics. Franz&Sue describe
                                                                          themselves with these goals and also show that they stand behind these values. Time
            Stadtreinigung Berlin, in Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit Schenker Salvi Weber, Wettbewerbsgewinn 2022  It was important to me that the office should concentrate on a sustainable, future-ori-
                                                                          and again, we receive awards for our commitment to sustainability. In addition to this
                                                                          crucial  issue  for  me,  a  good working  atmosphere with  flat  hierarchies,  in which
                                                                          everyone can contribute and in which a lot is done together in the office, was of course
                                                                          also important to me. Despite the size of the office, we often manage to get together and
                                                                          do things together, which has a positive effect on the entire dynamics within the team.

                                                                          r 2017, the two Viennese offices Franz and Sue have merged. Who is behind this of-
                                                                          fice name? You won’t find Mr or Mrs Franz or Mr or Mrs Sue among the partners ...
                                                                          There is actually no one in the office with these pretty names. Franz is probably just a
                                                                          classic Austrian name and Sue an exalted abbreviation for Strategie und Entwicklung.
                                                                          The office name was chosen deliberately. After all, the idea was to live the two office
                                                                          cultures together in the future. The founders Michael Anhammer, Christian Ambos and
                                                                          Harald Höller (Sue) as well as Robert Diem and Erwin Stöttner (Franz) decided to
                                                                          merge the offices in 2017. Since then, the team has been growing steadily. In the me-
                                                                          antime, we are already close to 100 people. The headquarters, the so-called Stadtele-
                                                                          fant, was built soon after. When I started, the fifth “wedding anniversary” was already
                                                                          celebrated in the office.
            Rendering: Franz&Sue                                          r Describe to us the working atmosphere in the Franz&Sue office in the new Sonn-

                                                                          We don’t all work in the Stadtelefant, some teams are also housed in the Studio a few
            In Konstanz-Petershausen entsteht ein Berufsschulzentrum für 1300 SchülerInnen, Wettbewerbsgewinn 2019  wendviertel near Vienna’s main railway station!
                                                                          minutes’ walk away. There we all meet every Monday morning for our jour fixe in the
            Blick ins „Studio“, den zweiten Franz&Sue-Standort im Sonnwendviertel, 150 Meter entfernt vom „Stadtelefant“  large workshop to update each other on projects, welcome newcomers, celebrate com-
                                                                          petition wins and, of course, to bring the whole team together. In my opinion, the wor-
                                                                          king atmosphere is very good, each project team sits together at one or two big tables
                                                                          and can thus exchange information or discuss anything. There is also plenty of exchange
                                                                          among the teams or in the construction-technology and finance departments. If you
                                                                          need advice, you only have to walk down a few desks.

                                                                          r As a young architect at Franz&Sue, were you literally thrown in at the deep end
                                                                          or, rather, gently introduced to your tasks? What project are you currently involved
                                                                          in and what tasks are you authorized to assume?
                                                                          In my case, there was a relaxed transition, as the team member I replaced was still in
                                                                          the project with me for a while. So, I was gently introduced to my new tasks. I had time
                                                                          to get used to the structures of the office – be it the programme itself, but also the ge-
                                                                          neral way of working – so I wasn’t “thrown in at the deep end”. The project I am wor-
                                                                          king on is a primary school in Oberwart. This is one of the more manageable projects
            Foto: Marc Goodwin/archmospheres                              of three people, and we each have our own areas of responsibility – for example, who
                                                                          in the office, which is enormously reassuring as an introduction to work. We are a team
                                                                          communicates with which specialist planners. Other tasks are assigned spontaneously.
                                                                          Due to the friendly atmosphere within the team, there are no psychological barriers to
                                                                          ask questions. Internal meetings also facilitate the learning process and provide a plat-

            044 •  AIT 6.2023                                             form for questions and exchange.
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