Page 5 - AIT0619_TreCime
P. 5

Fotos: Hotel Drei Zinnen

                Bis ins letzte Detail hinein ist der wuchtig elegante Stil des Architekten Clemens Holzmeister bis heute sichtbar. • The massive elegant style of the architect Clemens Holzmeister is still visible down to the last detail.

                   e Corbusier once called the Dolomites the "most
                   beautiful construction in the world"! In the course
                of the developing alpine tourism, the first hotel buil-
                dings in the region were constructed at that time. They
                were mainly located at the railway stations of the Au-  Weitere Informationen unter
                strian Südbahn, the extension of which was being pro-
                moted then. Industrial magnates, artists and bohemi-
                ans of the so-called Viennese Modernism travelled to
                Semmering or the Puster Valley by train to recover from
                their exhausting night life in Vienna. A little to the  Vielfalt aus einem Guss.
                south, in Sexten, Clemens Holzmeister built the Hotel
                Drei Zinnen in 1929. Hans Watschinger was the mayor
                                                               Mit überragender Mineralwerkstoff-Kompetenz ist VARICOR der anerkannte Spezialist für
                of Sexten and the pioneer of the local hospitality indu-
                                                               individuelle Formgebung im Nass- und Sanitär-Bereich. Unsere Expertise in der Gusstechnik
                stry; Clemens Holzmeister's brother was the commu-  sorgt dafür, dass unsere Kunden bei VARICOR finden, was sie sich wünschen: Planungssicherheit
                nity physician. Their friendship formed the basis for the  und ein optimales Kosten-Nutzen-Verhältnis bei grenzenloser Gestaltungsfreiheit in Form und Farbe;
                commissioning! By this time, Holzmeister had already  ob bei individuellen Einzelstücken, Kleinserien oder fugenlos verarbeiteten Reihenanlagen.
                built a key work: the crematorium on the cemetery in
                Vienna-Simmering in 1922. In the competition, Holz-
                meister had prevailed against Josef Hoffmann and the
                building made the young architect famous overnight,
                ultimately leading to his appointment to the Vienna
                Academy of Fine Arts. Clemens Holzmeister managed
                his office in Bolzano together with Luis Trenker, who
                had just finished his architectural studies in Graz. Par-
                allel to the construction of the Drei Zinnen Hotel, Tren-
                ker also worked on a film project. The mountaineering
                movie "Struggle for the Matterhorn" became a great
                success, and Trenker soon left the team with Holzmei-
                ster to fully dedicate himself to mountaineering and the
                corresponding film work. The rest is movie history!

                Recovery from exhausting nights
                "Professor Holzmeister always called his house the Tre
                Cime,"  reports  Waltraud  Watschinger,  the  grand-
                daughter of the builder today. She asked for a talk in
                the Blue Bar, which is directly adjacent to the centrally
                located hotel lobby. The tongue and groove cladding of
                the walls is painted light blue, the slats are set off in
                yellow, and the built-in drinks shelf is designed exactly
                the other way round - with a yellow surface and blue
                feathers. As in the whole house, the strong colour con-
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