Page 4 - AIT0617_Motorman
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                                                                             Meijs Motorman

                                                                             Motor: Elektromotor           Akku: Lithium-Ionen, 1440.00 Wh, 48 Volt
                                                                             Max. Leistung: 2000 Watt      Reichweite/Gewicht: 70 km/45 kg
                                                                             Höchstgeschwindigkeit: 45 km/h    Preis: UVP 5.750 €

                                                                                epeated fine particulate  warnings and daily reports about traffic jams in
                                                                                Stuttgart and its surrounding areas make it necessary that people start to think
                                                                             about how moving around in the city can be done with pleasure in the future. I, on
                                                                             the other side, did not have to think for long when AIT offered me to test-drive the
                                                                             Meijs Motorman. A brief glance at the photograph of the two-wheeler was enough
                                                                             to immediately accept the proposal. No  visible engine, no chain for driving the
                                                                             wheel and a slender steel frame, these attributes promised quite a few wonderful
                                                                             trips in the Stuttgart area. When the two-wheeled vehicle was delivered in a trans-
                                                                             porter directly from the factory in Maastricht, it already became obvious what would
                                                                             happen in the next few days: the moped, which only weighs about 40 kilograms,
                                                                             had only just been effortlessly unloaded and parked on the street, when passing-by
                                                                             residents slowed down and curiously looked at the “vehicle”. In the course of
                                                                             preparation, I had already skimmed through the manual and straight away knew
                                                                             what I had to do to soundlessly park the electric Motorman in the underground
                                                                             garage. The elegant leather saddle would have definitely coped with the light rain,
                                                                             but following a basic instinct I brought the little treasure under cover immediately.

                                                                             Driving enjoyment with high flirt factor

                                                                             Equipped with sunglasses, helmet and bike lock, I dipped into the traffic and rolled
                                                                             almost noiselessly through Stuttgart’s western districts. Even driving up to the pole
                                                                             position at the traffic lights was approved by other traffic participants with a smile
                                                                             instead of being punished with stern looks. The lunch break in my favourite restau-
               Ob Fernsehturm oder Stuttgarter Höhenlage, ... • Whether TV tower or Stuttgart’s hillside districts ...  rant regularly turned into a pit stop with numerous onlookers and inspiring conver-
                                                                             sations. The opinions regarding the design and the practicability were, of course, the
               ... jede Strecke bedeutet puren Fahrspaß. • ... every trip means pure driving enjoyment.
                                                                             subject of sometimes controversial discussions. What remains to be noted is that
                                                                             the flirt factor is definitely higher than with cars produced by the renowned local
                                                                             car manufacturer with a horse in its coat of arms. On my way to work, small errands
                                                                             extending the required travel time to the office were no stress factor but welcome
                                                                             detours. As the provided test version of the Motorman was not equipped with sad-
                                                                             dle bags or panniers, I had to carry a rucksack, a fact that only slightly diminished
                                                                             the driving enjoyment. The most striking experience was the changing facial expres-
                                                                             sion of all traffic participants. The usual drowsiness in the morning, which some-
                                                                             times manifests in miserable faces,  was abruptly turned into positive muscular
                                                                             energy when I stopped the Motorman next to a car at a red traffic light. Cyclists and
                                                                             pedestrians turned their head and occasionally shouted remarks, combined with
                                                                             the iconography of thumbs up. Yes, there were many “likes” on the analogue level.
                                                                             The design of the two-wheeled vehicle can definitely be referred to as retro: the “big
                                                                             wide eyes” headlamp, the slender, curved and lightweight looking steel frame, the
                                                                             leather saddle with archaic springs. Obviously, the modern propulsion has to be
                                                                             operated somehow. Small, fine details are installed for this purpose,  which are
                                                                             reduced to the essentials and support the excellent feeling of driving. The wide
               Elegant, minimalistisch – und ein bisschen Retro.• Elegant, minimalist – and slightly retro.
                                                                             handlebar feels comfortable in the hand and ensures safe handling, also  when
                                                                             making a turn. As there is no indicator, one hand has to indicate the change of direc-
                                                                             tion every now and then. The small stainless steel button of the horn is integrated
                                                                             into the handlebar as well as the reset button of the mileage counter, which, with
                                                                             a driving performance of about 45 kilometres per hour with a fully charged battery,
                                                                             is an important feature. The small circular speedometer is attached to the large
                                                                             headlight, while the rocker switch for the driving light is mounted directly below. All
                                                                             of these are verybeautiful, classic operator controls, which give the modern electric
                                                                             propulsion of the Motorman an antique touch. At night, a roofed parking space with
                                                                             power connection is advantageous as the exquisite saddle and the battery charger
                                                                             can thus be protected against the weather. One would, however, prefer to have a
                                                                             second seat so that the driving pleasure can be enjoyed à deux. All in all, the test
                                                                             week with the e-bike by Meijs was great fun. The Motorman even managed to climb
                                                                             the steep vineyard roads – arriving soundlessly and slowly, but in a very relaxed
                                                                             fashion is the motto.

               058  •  AIT 6.2017
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