Page 5 - AIT0614_Venedig
P. 5

Foto: Wolfgang Voigt, Frankfurt am Main

                Lido: Bar im Flughafen Giovanni Nicelli (17) und Giancarlo De Carlos Blue Moon (18) • Lido: Airport  and Giancarlo De Carlo’s Blue Moon

                T  he programme presented here comprises very perso-  10 p.m. – After dinner, one should walk to Campo di San
                                                         Giacometto. Those who like it a bit quieter should best go
                   nal recommendations of an ar chitecture enthusiast –
                including a few suggestions for your visit to Venice on the  to Bar Ancora (8). Night owls may continue on to Caffè
                occasion of the Ar chitecture Biennale. Things you should  Ros so (9) at Campo Santa Margherita. Every one else goes
                definitely bring? – Comfortable shoes and two day-tickets  to bed. The Bauer (10) as well as the Da nieli (11) are the
                for the Vaporetto, the Venetian water bus.   classics of Venetian hotels, but  also de mand stiff prices.
                                                         A recent addition is  Hotel Palazzina G (12) furnished by
                Saturday: Arsenale and Museums           Phi lippe Starck.

                9 a .m. – The first  way leads to   the P alazzo L oredan  Sunday: Giardini, Lido and Modernism
                dell´Ambascitore on the Canal Grande. On the first days of
                the Biennale, the late Gothic palace is open to all German  9 a.m. – For my liking, I prefer to stay the night in one of
                ar chitects daily from 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. ‘Be rüh rungs -  the countless ho liday apartments.  You can have break -
                punkte’ (1) is the title of the joint initiative of FSB, Gira and  fast in the Birreria Forst (13), a sandwich bar on Calle de
                Keuco.                                   le Ras se.

                10 a.m. – On the first day, the main exhibition on the  Ar -  10 a.m. – The Vaporetto takes us to the  Giardini (14) for
                se nale premises (2) is part of our agenda. The visit to the  the second part of the Biennale exhibition. In the public
                ship yard with its hug e halls,  which partly dates from the  park laid out under Napoleon, the participating countries
                Midd le Ages, is an experience even without the exhibition.  present themselves in their own pavilions. After a round
                                                         tour, we enjoy a snack on the terrace of the In Paradiso
                2 p.m. – In the afternoon, the Vaporetto gives us a lift back  (15) at the entrance to the Giardini.
                to the centre of Venice. Palazzo Grassi (3) as well as Punta
                della D ogana ( 4) accommodate the art c ollection of  2 p.m. – In the afternoon, we make a quick side-trip to
                French billionaire, François Pinault. The art collector com-  the San Michele Cemetery Island (16). The latest exten-
                missioned  Tadao Ando  with the c onversion of  the t wo  sion of the facility, the so-called House of the Dead, was
                historic buildings into public museums. In my opinion, the  conceived by David Chipperfield. Subsequently, the tour
                most amiable art museum of  the city, the Peggy Gug gen -  continues via the Vaporetto to the Lido di Venezia. Here,
                heim Collection (5), is located only a few hundred metres  a visit to the Giovanni Nicelli airport (17), which was con-
                from Punta della Dogana                  structed in the 1920s, is a must, a gem of Classic modern
                                                         architecture. After the visit, a walk to the Blue Moon (18)
                6 p.m. – Before dinner, we still have some time lef t for a  is worthwhile, an unconventional mixture of beach bar,
                visit to the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia  viewing t ower and am phitheatre impl emented in th e
                (6), the architecture school in the western part of the city.  1990s according to plans by Giancarlo De Carlo.
                The small entrance courtyard is a work by Carlo Scarpa.
                                                         6 p.m. – The gateway to Venice is Piazzale Roma. Starting
                8 p.m. – There are hundreds of restaurants in Venice. 90  at the railway station, the Ponte della Costituzione (19)
                percent of them seem to be ‘tourist traps’. My recommen-  designed by Santiago Calatrava leads to a square, which
                dation: once you found a restaurant, where you felt perfect-  is primarily dominated b y the  Autorimessa Comunale
                ly  well and at ease , sto p lo oking f or an other on e. Per -  (20) constructed in the 1930s in the classic modern style.
                sonally, I suggest the Al Nono (7).      It is the last station of our short tour of Venice.
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