Page 6 - AIT0519_KulturAufgelegt
P. 6


                                                                             lour design – consisting of black and white – also serves the underlying logic of two
                                                                             states within the binary code system. The tension between laboratory and club is
                                                                             also conveyed by the black-and-white theme. In order to underline the future-ori-
                                                                             ented use, the weightlessness and immateriality of digital data became an additio-
                                                                             nal guideline for spatial translation.

                                                                             Four uses for an interactive club culture

                                                                             The centre is accessed via the bar, which is open to the public for a coffee during
                                                                             the day and a beer in the evening. The central element is the round regulars' table,
                                                                             where the latest projects or topics in the neighbourhood can be discussed. The ori-
                                                                             entation away from the residential area allows a use causing a higher noise level
                                                                             and can thus contribute to reducing the noise exposure of the HGK forecourt and
                                                                             alleviating the current conflict situation between students and residents. The su-
                                                                             perordinate data centre comprises all elements concerning the in-house server,
                                                                             which at the same time forms the archive of the building. This gives guests and
                                                                             staff access to the history and content of the ZEEM. As a result, all projects of the
                                                                             residents – the frequent DJs – as well as sound, video, and photo recordings of
                                                                             events and projects are stored and made accessible to the public. Visitors can ac-
                                                                             cess the content via various screens in the house or via their personal laptop. For
                                                                             visitors, the log-in to the server does not take place via a password, but via the po-
                                                                             sition of the visitor in the room. If you stand on the log-in station with your laptop,
               Konzept des Sonic Dancefloors • Sonic Dancefloor concept      you are tracked and logged to the server. If you don't have your own laptop with
                                                                             you, you can also browse the archive on the screens in the public laboratory or fol-
                                                                             low the residents' projects on the large screen at the computer workstations. Du-
                                                                             ring events, the screens are also used to display suitable visuals. In the actual la-
               Im Klubbereich können Künstler experimentieren. • Artists can experiment in the club area.   boratory area – also referred to as the co-working area – there are the private work-
                                                                             places of the residents as well as of four invited guest artists and scientists who
                                                                             work on their own research projects in the house. In addition, several public work-
                                                                             stations can be used. In this way, different work situations arise for the processing
                                                                             of different projects. In the public sector, anyone interested can work on their
                                                                             ideas on electronic music. Either on one's own laptop or at the computer worksta-
                                                                             tions in the rear area. Work is done on seemingly floating platforms supported by
                                                                             metal poles – the cloud offices. The metal poles are supposed to symbolize elec-
                                                                             tronic cables. The offices of the residents are only accessible during guided tours
                                                                             and are otherwise closed to the public. The clubroom – being the interface bet-
                                                                             ween laboratory and bar – is very flexibly designed to accommodate as many for-
                                                                             mats as possible. It can be used during the day for projects and experiments and
                                                                             at night for events and can be reserved and used free of charge.

                                                                             A room for networking subcultures

                                                                             Young musicians in particular should have the opportunity here to gain their first
                                                                             experience with self-organised parties and events. The highlight on the floor of the
                                                                             clubroom is an interactive dancefloor - the Sonic Dancefloor. It turns the room into
               In der Nacht wird das Café zur Bar. • At night, the café becomes a bar.  an electronic instrument and invites visitors to experiment. With a computer pro-
                                                                             gramme, the various surfaces of the floor pattern can be assigned different sounds.
                                                                             The user is tracked on the dancefloor from above via video and thus triggers the
                                                                             different sounds of the areas on which he moves. In this way, a very unique music
                                                                             is created through the individual movements in space. It was very interesting to
                                                                             work on a contemporary and thematically diverse project. As a result of the pro-
                                                                             ject, I learned a lot about the history of club culture and the origins and back-
                                                                             grounds of electronic music. Whether it is actually possible to design spaces for
                                                                             subcultures or whether these subcultures rather design their spaces themselves re-
                                                                             mains open to me. My idea of the ZEEM is to open up a space of possibilities
                                                                             where club culture can develop and where both beginners and young artists can
                                                                             find a place. The aim is to create a venue where people can exchange ideas about
                                                                             projects and jointly work on them; where people can also try out new things and
                                                                             where it is not only a matter of commercial success; a place that forms a bridge
                                                                             between the artists and their audience and at the same time allows them to look
                                                                             behind the scenes. I think that in this way a place can be created that is generally
                                                                             accessible, offers a variety of usage possibilities and thus creates a basis for (club)
                                                                             culture to emerge.

               050 •  AIT 5.2019
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