Page 5 - AIT0416_Tiflis
P. 5
Nostalgie im Café Linville (19) • Nostalgia at Café Linville (19) Treppenhaus in der Bet lemi-Straße (21) • Staircase on Betlemi Street (21) Saal in der Aka de mie der Künste (23) • Hall in the Academy of Arts (23)
G eorgia is a country between tradition and departure by Rooms Hotel (07), which was opened in 2014. For the 11:30 a.m. – For the Georgian art scene, I recommend the
conversion of the former publishing house, the architects
Center of Contemporary Art Tbilisi (14). We stroll along
and it is debateable whether Georgia belongs to Eu -
rope or Asia. This is especially obvious in the capital Tiflis. from Adjara Arch Group drew their inspiration from New the river Kura (Geogian: Mtkwari), past the townhouse –
York rather than Tiflis. We quickly look behind the Gru zu - Iustiziis Sachli (15) which was completed by Massimiliano
Saturday: Soviet traces gol Building (Academy of Sciences) constructed in 1954. A Fuksas in 2012, the Music Theatre (16) designed by Fuksas,
building is located in the courtyard, whose purpose is not too, started in 2010 and is still unfinished, and the Bridge
10:00 a.m. – For breakfast we buy bread in an old clay obvious at first glance: a spiral-shaped ramp in the glazed of Peace (17), constructed in 2010 by Michele de Lucchi
oven bakery (01). Tiflis has two metro lines and minibuses foyer leads to a cableway terminus (08) on the third level. together with French lighting designer Philippe Martinaud.
run in the city. We will primarily use taxis. For trips within 5.00 p.m. – After a break in the Café Sofia Melni kovas 12:30 p.m. – We return to the old town and walk across the
the city you should pay five to ten Lari (two to four Euros). Fantastiuri Duqani (09), we take a taxi to the Ara gveli Brid - Metekhi Bridge to the ancient Abanotubani (18) bath dis -
11:00 a.m. – Our first destination is the university campus ge. A unique building rises on the hill above: the Palace of trict. The oldest baths, which are fed with hot, carbonated
(02), constructed since 1971. The university library by archi- Rituals (10). The taxi takes us to the old town and the lower mineral water, date from the 17th century.
tect Leri Medzmariashvili is especially worth visiting. terminus of the cableway opened in 1905, which we take 1:15 p.m. – We stop for lunch at Café Linville (19). The cosy
12:00 p.m. – We take a taxi to the former Ministry of Road to get to the top of the city’s holy mountain, Mtazminda. café is popular among young people despite – or maybe
Construction (03), an icon of Soviet architecture. In 1975, 6:30 p.m. – Today’s top station accommodating Brass erie especially for its floral wallpaper and old furniture.
the then road construction minister, George Chakhava, was Chela (11) was built in 1938 in the style of Socialist realism. 2:30 p.m. – The Sioni Cathedral (20) on Erekle Street, built
both client and architect. In 2011, the Bank of Georgia The restaurant is a popular destination in the evening, between 575 and 639, belongs to the most important
moved its headquarters to this building, which was put where one can sit on the terrace and look at the lights of sacred sites of Georgian orthodoxy.
under a preservation order in 2007. We ask the driver to the city while enjoying good food and Georgian wine. 3:15 p.m. – The old town is the major attraction in Tiflis. A
continue to the central station – Tbilissis Zentraluri particularly beautiful external staircase is located on Betle -
Sadguri (04). The huge building was completed in 1982. Sunday: the old Tiflis mi Street (21). We take a short break at Café Amo Rame
1:30 p.m. – We take the underground to Rustaveli Avenue (22), before we visit the Academy of Arts (23).
and have a break at Café Gallery (05), a popular meeting 10:00 a.m. – On our way to the flea market (Dry Bridge 7:30 p.m. – At the Pur Pur (24) Restaurant we end the eve-
point for students from the nearby Academy of Arts. Market), we pay a short visit to the richly painted staircase ning and enjoy the excellent Georgian cuisine one more
3:00 p.m. – From the café it is only a few steps to the of the former Hotel London (12). People with a favour for time in this special atmosphere. On the way back to the
“Square of the Republic” (06), were rallies were held in the East can discover teacups with Sputnik motifs or Stalin hotel, we take a last walk through the old town, which con-
Soviet times. For an overnight stay I recommend the near- portraits on the flea market (13). veys its very own ambience at night.
Quality made in Germany
Design Eduard Euwens