Page 5 - AIT0323_Bukarest
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            Foto: Roxana Achim, RO-Bukarest                                                                                           Foto: picture alliance / imageBROKER, Alexander Pöschel

                                                                                                                                      Foto: picture alliance / imageBROKER, B. Bönsch

            Foto: AFI Europe

            5ENSI by Beanz Café (16) und AFI Victoriei Plaza (17) • 5ENSI by Beanz Café (16) and AFI Victoriei Plaza (17)  Dorfmuseum (19) und Haus der Freien Presse (20) • Village Museum (19) and House of the Free Press (20)

            revival style. When it gets dark and the alleys in the old city are filling up with people,  by the French architect Albert Galleron (1846–1930), can be visited for a small fee.
            it is dinner time: the best choice is the terrace of the Linea / Closer to the Moon (9) re-  r 13:00 – After the enjoyment of art, the Miez Brutarie Artizanala (14) artisan bakery
            staurant with a view across the roofs of the shimmering city.  takes care of our creature comforts. Refreshments are also offered at the Frudisiac (15)
                                                                          juice bar. NotaNumber Architects had the small wooden pavilion built in a gap between
            Sunday: Leisure with a detour towards the north               buildings. A relaxing extensive lunch is also available in Victoriei Square, for instance at
                                                                          5ENSI by Beanz Café (16) located in the new section of the popular AFI Victoriei Plaza
            r 9:00 – Bucharest has many small craft shops, bakeries and cafés with charming inte-  (17) creative hub. In the older section of the complex, a renovated palace in neo-baroque
            riors and spontaneous events. The architectural heritage rich in contrasts offers the per-  style, events regularly take place.
            fect backdrop to a lively gastronomic scene. We start the day at FROG (10) with a lavish  r 15:00 – Our culture program continues in the afternoon: The national Peasant Mu-
            breakfast. Besides vegetarian and regional meals, the café and concept store also sells  seum (18) – located in a magnificent building of the Romanian “revival” – is one of the
            flowers and food. Then we amble to the so-called Paucescu House (11), the headquar-  leading museums of folk art in Europe. Close by is also the Dimitrie Gusti (19) Village
            ters of the Romanian association of architects (Sediul Uniunii Arhitectilor din Romania,  Museum – an ethnographic open-air museum which, on an area of ten hectares, shows
            UAR). In 2005, the historic residential- and office building was restored by the architects  a considerable collection of traditional types of housing and interiors from all regions of
            Dan Marin and Zeno Bogdanescu and complemented with a glass cube on top – a pio-  the country. On a walk through the extensive park, we forget the loud urban life for a
            neering fusion at the time, not least because of the historic revision of the dark past  few minutes … and somewhat later end up at the other end of the park at the House of
            since it used to be the office of the Romanian secret service.  the Free Press (20). The former publishing house of the communist party newspaper is
            r 11:00 – Numerous prestigious buildings are assembled in Revolution Square, among  today still the headquarters of several Romanian media. As to architecture, it is an ex-
            them the former Royal Palace that, today, is the National Museum of Art of Romania  ample of socialist classicism worth seeing – with some identical twin buildings, for in-
            (12). The collection has important medieval works that were successfully saved from  stance in Moscow, Warsaw and Riga.
            monasteries and churches and spared destruction during the Ceausescu. In the nearby  r 19:00 – At Lake Herastrau (21), a large lake situated north of the city centre, our week-
            Athenaeum (13), the large concert hall of the George Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra,  end comes to an end. We process the many impressions of the old and new city at the
            every year one of the most important festivals of classical music in Eastern Europe  intersection between the East and the West during a walk at the water and a subse-
            takes place. The decorative building, constructed starting in 1885 according to plans  quent dinner with dancing in the clubs and restaurants around the lake.

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