Page 5 - AIT0115_Hannover
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                Bild: ahrens grabenhorst                 Foto: Roland Halbe Fotografie               Dimension

                                                                                                             von Design-

                Internationales Chorzentrum (18) in der Christus kirche  Gebetsraum der Synagoge „Etz Chaim“ (24)

                I  n addition to the extensive green areas  which make  Sunday: Steintor and Herrenhäuser Gärten
                  living here pleasant and relaxing, numerous architectural
                gems and a high density of art in the public space charac-  10:00 a.m. – Steintor is one of the places in Hanover most
                terize the cityscape of Hanover.  With Georg Ludwig  rich in contrast. Those arriving on the city tram initially mar-
                Friedrich Laves, the city had one of the famous architects of  vel at the black-yellow chessboard pattern of the stops desi-
                the 19th century who decisively shaped its image. After the  gned by Alessandro Mendini (14) in the context of the BUS-
                damage caused by the Second World War, there was the  STOPS art project of 1994. Hard to miss is the Anzeiger
                rapid reconstruction into a car-friendly city.  Hochhaus (15), next to it is the Kestner gesellschaft (16), a
                                                         venue for exhibitions of contemporary art. For breakfast, I
                Saturday: From the old city to Maschsee  recommend the Turkish patisserie Efendi Bey (17).

                10:00 a.m. – Our day begins where almost all travellers  11:30 a.m. – Across Klagesmarkt we continue to Christus -
                start their visit: at the main station (1). Along Luisen straße  kirche. Our studio converted it into an international choir
                with exquisite boutiques we arrive at Opern platz where we  centre (18) in 2014. From here we get to Königsworther
                get to an architectural jewel: the opera (2). Directly behind  Platz. Next to the bus stop by Ettore Sottsass also belonging
                it, above the entrance to the Künstlerhaus (3) swings an  to the BUSSTOPS and the striking sculpture “Symphony in
                impressive chandelier. From Opernplatz, we continue to  Red” by John Raymond Henry, we also find there the Conti
                Kröpcke, the city’s central square. Here  we recommend  high-rise (19) constructed in 1953 which, when it was inau-
                breakfast in the Dutch Kakao-Stube (4).  gurated, was the highest one in Germany. With the lift, we
                                                         can go up to the 14th floor and enjoy a magnificent view.
                11:00 a.m. – The Marktkirche (5) characterizes the silhou-
                ette of the city. Behind it cosy Ballhofplatz is perfect for rest.  1:00 p.m. – For lunch,  we go back to Steintor  where I
                Get a deckchair in front of the Tee stübchen (6) and just  recommend the Öz Urfa (20). A Turkish family restaurant
                relax! Right on the banks of the Leine, our studio construc-  with delicious meals.
                ted the Ada- und Theodor-Lessing-Volkshochschule (7).
                                                         2:00 p.m. – Herrenhäuser Gärten: The atrium in the main
                1:00 p.m. – Lunch at the Markthalle (8) from 1954. It is the  building of the university (21) is spectacular. This is where
                stomach of Hanover and has a unique charm.  the Wilhelm Busch Museum (22) offers exhibitions of his -
                                                         toric and contemporary caricatures. Großer Garten ranks
                3:00 p.m. – Fortified, we walk on to Maschsee: On the lake-  among the most significant baroque gardens in Europe and
                front, we continue along Leineschloss and the Laveshaus  Schloss Herrenhausen (23), which was destroyed in the
                on to Neues Rathaus (9). The eclectic castle is flanked by  Second World War, can once again be admired in its recon-
                the August Kestner Museum and the complex of the buil-  structed form since it’s reopening in 2013.
                ding authorities (10) from the 1950s. Through picturesque
                Masch park we arrive at Maschsee. A fantastic view of the  5:00 p.m. – We take the tram and, after only a few stops,
                lake is offered by the Sprengel Museum (11). It is home to  we arrive at the Etz Chaim | Tree of life (24) community
                an important collection of contemporary photography and  centre  and synagogue of the Jewish  Liberal Community.
                art of the classic modern age.           Our studio designed it by converting a former church.

                                                                                                              Mehr Raum für Gestaltung –
                8:00 p.m. – Dinner at Ristorante Rossini (12). The family-  8:00 a.m. – Dinner at the Roma (25): For 35 years, the
                                                                                                            jenseits von Planken und Fliesen.
                run restaurant in Ferdinandstraße is my favourite Italian  Italian restaurant on Goethestraße has been offering con-
                                                                                                               Besuchen Sie uns auf der
                restaurant in Hanover. To those who afterwards would still  stantly high-quality cuisine. Those who still have the energy
                                                                                                               Altenpflege in Nürnberg.
                like to have a drink, I recommend going to the timelessly  go to the in-bar heimW (26) on Theaterstraße and enjoy a
                chic Leos (13) bar in the Kastens Hotel Luisenhof.  cocktail in a lounge-like atmosphere.
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