Page 99 - AIT1220_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design Steimle Architekten, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Gemeinde Remchingen
                                                                                     Standort • Location S.-B.-Platani-Platz 8, Remchingen
                                                                                     Bruttogeschossfläche • Gross floor space 6.360 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Brigida González, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 134

                                                                                     CITY HALL

                                                                                     IN REMCHINGEN

                                                                                     Although the new town hall of Remchingen does not re-
                                                                                     present the geographical centre of the municipality, the
                                                                                     pentagonal solitaire nevertheless appears to be the new
                                                                                     centre of the town. For here in the Enz district, the muni-
                                                                                     cipal administration, and thus its building, sees itself as
                                                                                     a link between residents and administration and is now
                                                                                     making this visible through the new open architecture.

                                                                                     O   n the exposed site of the municipality of Remchingen, embedded
                                                                                         between the major road (Bundesstrasse 10) and the Pfinz land-
                                                                                     scape, there already were two independent buildings, which, however,
                                                                                     did not yet relate to each other in terms of urban planning: a nursing
             Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan  Grundriss 1. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +1  home for the elderly and the Remchinger Kulturhalle designed by Hel-
                                                                                     mut Striffler in 1990. Thanks to its location, the recently added third
                                                                                     standalone building with a gross floor area of a good 6,000 square me-
                                                                                     tres now defines clear edges of the square, thus creating a new market-
                                                                                     place between the three buildings. The height of the new building is a
                                                                                     reaction to the surrounding development, but it also stands out as an
                                                                                     individual building due to its polygonal design vocabulary, a non-exi-
                                                                                     stent rear side and the clearly structured façade made of insulating con-
                                                                                     crete. The homogeneously designed building shell with its large, regu-
                                                                                     larly arranged windows of different formats and deep soffits makes it
                                                                                     easy to recognise the diverse uses of the town hall from the outside. The
                                                                                     ground floor, with its floor-to-ceiling windows, is dominated by the foyer
                                                                                     of the citizens' office and a spacious catering area. In addition to work-
                                                                                     places of various sizes and office space for the administrative staff, the
                                                                                     first floor accommodates the wedding hall with a loggia facing the city,
                                                                                     and the second floor houses the two-storey council hall, which affords
             Grundriss 2. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +2  Grundriss 3. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +3  a wide view of the Pfinz and the town. In order to make the character of
                                                                                     a building that is open to the citizens clearly tangible, an unconventional
                                                                                     floor plan with flowing room boundaries around a central atrium was
                                                                                     created inside. The wooden staircase folding upwards through this four-
                                                                                     storey atrium forms the centrepiece of the design, which is bathed in
                                                                                     daylight by the eight offset skylights in the solid ceiling. Not only here,
                                                                                     but throughout the entire building, the light grey colour of the visible
                                                                                     concrete surfaces is combined with warm, wooden details — creating a
                                                                                     unique design unity. Thanks to the many visual links within the building
                                                                                     and the generous openings towards the surrounding urban space, the
                                                                                     architects at Steimle Architekten from Stuttgart created a place that is as
             Schnitt • Section                                                       open as it is public for Remchingen's 15,000 inhabitants.

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