Page 102 - AIT1220_E-Paper
P. 102


            Unter dem historischen Gebälk finden Trauungen statt. • Weddings take place under the historic entablature.  Raumhohe Einbauten definieren Räume und Bereiche. • Floor-to-ceiling fixtures define rooms and zone areas.

            T   he Stiftland region in the Upper Palatinate Forest is dominated by the Cistercian  views of the monastery opposite. A screen at the face end replaces the bulletin board
                                                                          and provides information on current topics. Six floor-to-ceiling glazed openings
                monastery of Waldsassen, founded in 1133. As large landowners, the abbots
            shaped the landscape for centuries and determined the lives of the local people.  allow a first glimpse inside, before one enters through the custom-made wooden
            Today the buildings of the monastery in the small town of the same name constitute  door with its undulating structure. The foyer forms a multifunctional market square
            the cultural centre of the region. The nuns are still present as operators of numerous  as a place of reception, encounter and orientation. From here, the publicly accessible
            social, cultural and economic facilities. The town hall is located directly opposite the  functions of the Citizens' Office and Tourist Information Office are located to the left
            historical ensemble of abbey, baroque monastery basilica and the monastery library,  and right. Straight ahead, the vertical circulation with a lift and light-flooded stair-
            also built in baroque style. Originally constructed in 1893 as a primary school and  case is hidden behind another wall-sized screen. The glass blocks in the rear façade
            extended in 1910 with a neo-baroque wing, the building was converted into a town  were replaced by windows. All windows in the entire building were replaced, using
            hall in 1972 in keeping with the spirit of the times. Having become structurally out-  mouth-blown insulating glass from the local glassworks, which is the only one in
            dated in every respect, a thorough refurbishment was unavoidable. Brückner &  Germany to produce mouth-blown flat glass. These unique glasses ensure the pre-
            Brückner Architekten from neighbouring Tirschenreuth were entrusted with the ex-  servation of the historical appearance and direct atmospherically refracted light in-
            tensive renovation. The two brothers are not unknown to the place: commissioned  wards — of course without having to forego the climatic advantages of today.
            by the Cistercian nuns, they integrated the St. Joseph Centre for Culture and Encoun-
            ter into the existing walls of the monastery with great sensitivity until 2008. In close  High-quality fixtures with reference to history
            coordination with the mayor and in agreement with the Bavarian State Office for the
            Preservation of Monuments, a modern administrative building has now been created  Special attention was paid to the custom-made fixtures, which are brought to per-
            vis-à-vis, where the expectations of employees, citizens and visitors alike are met.  fection in the large conference room. Both in terms of design and craftsmanship, the
            The history of the building remains tangible, but the functionality of its design is  entire interior fitout made of dark woods, light stone, bronze-coloured steel compo-
            transferred to the present day.                               nents and whitewashed walls is reminiscent of the material vocabulary prevalent at
                                                                          the turn of the century. On the 1st and 2nd floors are offices, meeting rooms and the
            An open building for the citizens                             large conference room. The room, which is naturally lit on three sides, is flanked by
                                                                          a sequence of contemporarily interpreted wood panelling running along the walls
            With the clear aim of creating an open building for the citizens, disturbing fixtures  and ceiling. The undulating structure of the main entrance door is repeated here.
            and extensions were first removed both inside and outside. The formerly green fa-  Flush with it is the access door, which leads into the room with its plain design and
            çade now shines in a light grey-blue colour. Set off from this, the white-painted sur-  yet great effect. In the centre, an elliptical oak conference table with an elegant grey
            rounds of the windows and along the curving gable are subtly emphasised. To com-  linoleum  surface  provides  the  basis  for  democratic  decision-making. Technical
            plete the Baroque ensemble on the square, the gabled roof facing the basilica square  equipment such as beamers and power outlets are flush-fitted and cleverly concea-
            has been freed from a shed dormer and the formerly brown tiles have been replaced  led. Wooden benches on one side offer a comfortable place for interested listeners.
            by natural red beavertails. The biggest change to the façade is the new granite en-  Finally, the culmination is the wedding room on the top floor with its exposed tim-
            trance portal. The building is now accessed via the so-called 'town balcony'. Slender  berwork. The dormer windows, which replace the shed dormer, afford an atmosphe-
            columns support the roof, creating a weather-protected entrance with unrestricted  ric view of the basilica, monastery and town.

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