Page 95 - AIT1219_E-Paper
P. 95

Entwurf • Design KIDZ design, RU-St. Petersburg
                                                                                Bauherr • Client Sberbank, RU-Moskau
                                                                                Standort • Location Taganskaya St. 31, RU-Moskau
                                                                                Nutzfläche • Floor space 268 m 2
                                                                                Fotos • Photos Dmitri Tsyrenshchikov, St. Petersburg
                                                                                Mehr Infos auf Seite • More information on page 158

                                                                                BANK OFFICE

                                                                                IN MOSCOW

                    „Der Farbverlauf von Grau zu Grün                           The outcome had to be inviting, relaxed and unbure-
                                                                                aucratic, equipped with as few elements as possible
                      versorgt den Raum mit Energie,                            that were reminiscent of banking transactions. To this
                  wirkt beruhigend und einladend ... “                          end, the Moscow Sberbank even changed its CI colour
                                                                                and  showed  great  openness  to  the  unconventional
                                   KIDZ design                                  ideas of KIDZ design, a young Moscow-based interior
                                                                                design firm. The result: radiant colour gradients!

                                                                                R  ussian banks currently experience the same thing as German
                                                                                   banks: They have long since ceased to be service-oriented insti-
                                                                                tutions that people perceive with sympathy. Gone are the days when
                                                                                chrome and marble still implied solidity and trustworthiness and in-
                                                                                timidated customers had to ask for a loan. The Russian Sberbank has
                                                                                probably recognised this development and was aware that it would
                                                                                be of little avail for customer acquisition to show off luxury interiors,
                                                                                and with the commissioning of KIDZ design, a young trio of female in-
                                                                                terior designers, it has opted for fresh aesthetics, transparency and re-
                                                                                ducing people’s hesitation of entering the bank branches. The ground
                                                                                floor of a multi-storey residential building offered ideal conditions for
                                                                                a changed appearance. Large panorama windows provide a view of
                                                                                an open, bright room with high ceilings and furniture, floor and wall
                                                                                coverings in various shades of grey. These are elegantly restrained and
                                                                                allow an exciting colour gradient to take centre stage: on the walls it
                                                                                unfolds from light grey to intense green and on to a ceiling finished in
                                                                                vibrant green, thus radiating a fresh, modern and energetic atmo-
                                                                                sphere. With the exception of a few ATMs – also in green – in the en-
                                                                                trance area, nothing reminds of the typical banking equipment, and
                                                                                this was exactly what the client wanted. Therefore, the bank under-
                                                                                went a rebranding and even changed its CI colours to reflect the more
                                                                                contemporary appearance, which the interior designers underlined
                                                                                with their unusual colour concept. They have thus created interiors
                                                                                that embody the desired change and literally immerse employees and
                                                                                customers in a new (colour) world. This simple trick creates a much
                                                                                more relaxed and less bureaucratic atmosphere as is the case with
                                                                                conventional banks. The zoning and unobtrusive furnishings do the
                                                                                rest: a coffee counter with corresponding cafeteria furniture, networ-
                                                                                king areas for the presentation of new services and comfortable wai-
                                                                                ting islands characterise the large, open customer area, while a small
                                                                                – blue! – meeting room and a secluded area for the service managers
        Isometrie • Isometric                                                   provide areas with more privacy.

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