Page 61 - AIT1219_E-Paper
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Jeden Monat nähern sich unsere Kolumnisten, die Berliner Filme -  Each month our columnists, Berlin-based filmmakers Dominik and
                macher Dominik und Benjamin Reding, dem jeweiligen Heftthema auf  Benjamin Reding, approach the respective issue-specific theme in
                ihre ganz eigene Art und Weise. Geboren wurden die Zwillinge am 3.  their very personal way. The twins were born on January 3, 1969.
                Ja nuar 1969 in Dortmund. Während Dominik Architektur und Film  Whilst Dominik studied architecture in Aachen and film in Hamburg,
                studierte, absolvierte Benjamin ein Schauspielstudium. 1997 begann  Benjamin  graduated  in  acting  studies  in Stuttgart.  They  started
                die Arbeit an ihrem ersten gemeinsamen Kinofilm „Oi! Warning“.   working on their first joint motion picture “Oi! Warning“ in 1997.

                A   trip to Italy is always a good decision. If you arrived at the airport and the traffic  block and weak in content! I stopped in front of a door. It was rather a portal, four floors
                                                                              high, surrounded by Marmo Nero. What might be behind it? The Ministry of Truth? A
                    was jammed up to the city centre, you would bristle with rage in your home coun-
                try. There you think, well, what the heck, that's just wonderfully Italian! If there was a  church? Caesar's bedroom or at least the consulate general of a world power? I went in.
                demonstration in the city centre and a strike in the suburbs and no taxi or subway would  It was a bank. Cool and polished emptiness inside, 15 metres high, 30 metres wide.
                take you to the hotel, you would say to yourself: oh, what a beautiful, typically Italian ex-  Counters made of Carrara marble, a frosted glass ceiling, a mosaic in gold and red, For-
                perience! The hotel under reconstruction? The restaurant on the ground floor closed? Five  tuna and her cornucopia, and, as so often in Italy, immaculate architectural details
                cats meowing on the garbage bins in the backyard at night? Ah, wonderful, that's Italy!  from the door handle to the lamp socket. Only few customers waited in front of the
                Maybe that is wrong, maybe one should shout out more correctly: oh, it is wonderfully  counters, ATMs and LED screens displaying stock exchange data. Quiet conversations,
                European; or: oh, how wonderfully diverse; or: oh, that's just like at home. But you shout,  the crackling and creaking of computer keyboards. And then, in the soft, almost sacred
                think, feel: oh, how beautifully Italian! The Goethe-Institut in Milan showed one of my  silence, an exclamation, dissonant like a cry: "Dio mi aiuti!" Next, a torrent of words,
                films, I was asked to say something about it, there was a press conference especially or-  loud and angry. "Blocchi il suo conto! Lui ha rubato tutto, tutti i nostri soldi, li ha ritirati
                ganised and they invited me, all this was very kind, all this was very nice.  dalla banca ed e´scappato! Una canaglia, un impostore, lui l´ha ingannata! " An old
                On the Autostrada from Malpensa Airport there was no getting through, congested all  lady, looking typically Italian in her black faux fur coat, big, fashionable glasses, her
                the way into the city, and a political assembly of the Cinque Stelle movement blocked  black patent leather handbag, her white, well-groomed hair, stood in front of one of
                the inner-city ring road. When I finally reached the Istituto Goethe, the press conference  the counters and banged her small, wrinkled fists on the marble countertop. "Le ha
                had been over for two hours. But people just grumbled a little, offered me coffee and  promesso il suo amore, e poi l´ha cacciata. La mia povera amata figlia!" A young,
                cookies, showed me to the hotel and then left me to myself. The sky was grey, the we-  blonde, pale woman stood next to her, holding her by her fur sleeves. The old lady sta-
                ather cool, it was drizzling. A quick espresso in the next small street café, which is, for  red at the teenage bank advisor, swayed back and forth as she spoke, a pack of bro-
                Northern Europeans somewhat misleading, cal-                                            chures for real estate investments fell to the
                led a bar and has absolutely no dim ambience:                                           floor. The customers fell silent, looked shocked
                large  windows,  terrazzo  floors,  neon  signs,                                        just like me. "Gli tolga subito il denaro, per fa-
                chrome  strips,  bar  counters  and  cupboards                                          vore, per favore, la supplico! Che Dio ci aiuti!" I
                made of ash and polished glass; the smell of                                            picked up fragments of what was said, of gestu-
                strong  coffee,  sweet  amaretto  and  fresh  ice                                       res,  facial  expressions,  thought,  interpreted,
                cream; the old gentlemen at the high tables,                                            and put things together: The old lady had lost
                with hats and suits, dignified, without smug-                                           her money, definitely. Her "soldi", her salary,
                ness; the elderly ladies in black  coats, with                                          her savings. Swallowed up by zero interest and
                grand jewellery and big glasses, bourgeois, but                                         bank speculation. Now she was "povera", poor,
                mundane. Oh, how wonderfully Italian or, the                                            a loser of globalisation, stock market records
                melodious sound of the language had already                                             and free markets. "Lui le rubera' tutti i soldi, lui
                enthralled me, tipico italiano! Milan is no hip-                                        la derubera', lui ci rovinera'. Maledetto ladro
                ster hotspot, it's not Berlin, it's not Reykjavik,                                      scellerato! In nome di Dio!" Indeed, "rubera",
                it's not Ho Chi Minh City. More of the past be-                                         she had been robbed and the old lady was now
                cause of that, more unchanged, and for me, the                                          in a position to bang her fist on the polished
                tourist, even more Italian! But here they say                                           countertop and insult the damned banks. Even
                Milan  is  a  città  tedesca,  a  German  city,  so                                     more: "In nome di Dio!", to curse the banks in
                punctual, tidy, so unspectacular, cold in winter                                        God's name for ruining the small savers, for
                and hard-working. After the visit to the coffee                                         speculating on food prices, for betting on infla-
                bar, I walked across the Piazza del Duomo with Foto: Benjamin Reding                    tion and company failures, for the destruction
                its inexorable size that makes the cathedral                                            of hundreds of thousands of jobs. She straighte-
                look so small; through Galleria Vittorio Ema-                                           ned herself, raised her arms, trembled. Now at
                nuele, recently restored, glossy and smooth, past the always perfectly designed shop  last the room, this empty marble hall with its mausoleum look, seemed to have found
                windows of the La Rinascente department store; then the barren façade of La Scala,  its actual purpose. It serves as a dock, as a place of judgment, as a speaker's stand,
                which, like a loyal butler, does not reveal to the outside world which emotions are ra-  like the rostra in ancient Rome, on which both the plebs and the emperors roared out
                ging inside; and then a brief look at the Pirelli high-rise, this 1950s building resembling  their intentions. She would stand up on her tiptoes, raise her fist and scream, rage, cry
                a hallway cabinet that was transformed by mysterious Pinocchio magic into a skyscra-  until the world would listen, stand up and act. "Mi aiuti! Mi aiuti!" Two security guards
                per. Then I turned the corner, into the wide streets left and right of the cathedral, which  with broad shoulders, stern eyes, hands in leather gloves approached her; but it was
                hardly any architectural guidebook mentions, cut into the urban space of the old city  the blonde woman who persuaded the old lady, calmed her down, and finally led her
                with imperial force in the 1930s and 1940s by 'Il Duce ha sempre ragione', the always  out "She gave you a piece of her mind!" The young man behind the counter looked at
                justified leader. The new buildings from that time along streets that are too wide, at  me and smiled. "Scusi?" I now explained in English that the elderly lady had severely
                squares that are too big and crossroads that are too enormous: an accumulation of ar-  criticised the banking system. He shook his head. No, the lady had blocked her
                ches, gates, columns, architraves and pilasters, so antiseptic and deadly serious, as if  daughter's bank account. Her fiancé had cheated on her and made off and was now
                copied from a book about the representation of geometric bodies for the correct calcu-  continuing to raid her account. That's all! He pushed the scattered brochures together
                lation of shadow constructions. Colosseum quotations for kiosks, spa marble for  and added, almost apologetically, "tipico italiano! I admit, I was a little disappointed.
                fishmongers, temple columns for post offices! Instant antiquity, as heavy as a marble  For once, I would have liked it to be different.

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