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               Ehepaar Dauphin: Hochzeit am 1. März 1962 • Wedding on March 1st 1962  Erfolgreiches Unternehmerpaar 2007 • The successful couple in 2007  Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum 80.! • Congratulations on the 80th birthday!

               Vorsitzende bei bayern design Nürnberg. Neben ihrem unermüdlichen beruflichen  Dauphin gained experience as a commercial employee. Working as a business consult-
               Engagement nahm Elke Dauphin aber auch immer regen Anteil an ihrer unmittelbaren  ant, he carried out an analysis of the potential of the German market on behalf of the
               Umgebung: Für ihre Unterstützung sozialer und kultureller Initiativen und ihre Verdienste  English office chair manufacturer Evertaut. As he, in contrast to his employer, was con-
               im Design-Bereich  wurde sie 2001 mit dem Bundesverdienstkreuz ausgezeichnet. Im  vinced about the potential for success in Germany, in 1968 he purchased the German sub-
               Dezember 2016 starb die bei Mitarbeitern und Geschäftspartnern geschätzte Unter -  sidiary at the age of just 30 and made the bold leap of setting himself up in business with
               nehmerin nach langer, schwerer Krankheit im Alter von 74 Jahren. Seit 2001 ist auch  the import, assembly and distribution of the English office chairs.  The first major order
               Tochter Antje Dauphin Mitglied der Geschäftsführung und begleitet den  Wandel des  came in 1971 from the government of North Rhine-Westphalia, which ordered more than
               Familienimperiums zur managementgeführten Holding. Ende 2016 zog sich Friedrich-  25,000 chairs for the regional finance offices and higher regional courts. Just two years
               Wilhelm Dauphin aus dem  Tagesgeschäft  zurück und  wechselte in den  Vorsitz des  later, he made the breakthrough with a clever design of his own, a swivel chair made
               Gesellschafterausschusses. Die operativen Geschäfte leitete ab Oktober 2016 Dr. Bernhard  from conically pluggable individual parts which could be packaged up so as to save space
               Kallup als CEO. Im Juli 2018 übergab er seine Aufgaben an das Team der vier Geschäfts-  and shipped economically. This created the ideal conditions for the export business. More
               führer, als dessen Sprecher Dr. Jochen Ihring fungiert. „Wir sind stolz auf unseren Erfolg,  than 84 patents followed, including the first synchronised mechanism for office chairs –
               den wir nicht nur denen zu verdanken haben, die Dauphin in den letzten 50 Jahren ihr  which heralded the start of dynamic seating. His wife and partner Elke Dauphin worked
               Vertrauen geschenkt haben – unseren Kunden, Mitarbeitern und Partnern –, sondern in  with him over all these years to successfully build up the company, and did so with all
               ganz besonderem Maße auch Friedrich-Wilhelm und Elke Dauphin, zwei außergewöhn-  her passion, heart and soul. This has remained part of the company’s culture to the pres-
               lichen Unternehmerpersönlichkeiten“, kommentiert Geschäftsführer Dr. Jochen Ihring das  ent day and continues to be embraced by daughter Antje Dauphin as the joint managing
               Jubiläum. „Um die Geschichte des Namens Dauphin weiterzuschreiben, setzen wir auch  director and the whole team. In the 1990s, the acquisition of suitable companies such as
               in Zukunft auf die Werte, die das Unternehmen zu dem gemacht haben, was es heute ist:  Bosse, Trendoffice and Züco saw the company evolve to become a supplier of complete
               mutige Entscheidungen, Leidenschaft für Neues und eine gewachsene Firmenkultur.“  office solutions. With the establishment of the Dauphin HumanDesign Group in 2002 and
                                                                             the exclusive Dauphin Home collection in 2010, the Dauphin group of companies has
                                                                             now developed into an internationally successful complete provider of functional furnish-
               W     e are a performance-driven community based on people showing personal ini-  ing solutions for modern working and living environments. The focus of Friedrich-Wilhelm
                                                                             Dauphin is always on achieving the perfect blend of ergonomics and design. in 1999 the
                     tiative and mutual appreciation.”  With this modern corporate philosophy,
               Friedrich-Wilhelm Dauphin was well ahead of his time when he founded his office seating  Dauphin family purchased a former factory hall in Hersbruck and worked until 2004 to
               factory in 1968. The passionate entrepreneur and creative inventor remained true to this  transform it into “Dauphin Speed Event”, a location for events over an area of some
               guiding creed even in a market which is shaped by economic fluctuations. He has been  18,000 m2 featuring an event hall. Elke Dauphin, who had played a crucial role in shap-
               successful: Today he employs around 740 workers around the world and, with 23 sales  ing the company’s destiny and to whom Friedrich-Wilhelm Dauphin was married for over
               and production companies in Germany and abroad, he owns one of the leading office fur-  50 years, died at the age of 74 after a long and serious illness. After an active career span-
               niture companies in Europe, an exclusive home collection, a large collection of vintage  ning more than 50 years, Friedrich-Wilhelm Dauphin, who advocated modern manage-
               cars, a sought-after location for events, and a flourishing vineyard in South Africa where  ment strategies such as outsourcing and lean production back in the 1970s and still cap-
               internationally award-winning wines are produced and marketed. Born in Nuremberg in  tivates people today with his exceptional entrepreneurial personality, can reflect on an
               1938, after undergoing a commercial apprenticeship from 1960 Friedrich-Wilhelm  eventful life and a successful company history.

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