Page 121 - AIT1218_E-Paper
P. 121

Entwurf • Design Glück + Partner, Stuttgart
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Gemeinde Altbach
                                                                                        Standort • Location Esslinger Straße 65, Altbach
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 1.548 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Roland Halbe, Stuttgart
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 162

                                                                                        TOWN HALL

                                                                                        IN ALTBACH

                                                                                        Gone are the days when political decisions were made
                                              6     7
                                   5                                                    behind closed doors. Unwelcoming administrative buil-
                               4                    8                                   dings have given way to modern service centres, which
                      3                                                                 consider themselves contact points for the citizens of
                                                                                        their city. Architectural practice Glück und Partner built
                                                                                        such a town hall in Altbach in Swabia, Germany, and
                               1         2          7
                                                                                        gave the community a new centre.

                                                                                        W    council seized the opportunity to upgrade the town centre of
                Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan  Lageplan • Site plan              hen taking the decision to construct a new building, the local
                                                                                        Altbach. An appropriate counterpart to the old town hall and the Church
                                                                                        of St. Ulrich was implemented in the form of the striking new town hall
                               8                   9
                                                                                        on the opposite side of the busy road Esslinger Straße. The three-storey,
                                                                                        slender building marks a spacious square that serves as a starting point
                                                                                        towards the newly designed town centre. The aim was to create a place
                                                   7                                    that would represent the community and, at the same time, be a contact
                              7    7    7
                                                   7                                    and meeting point for the citizens of Altbach. Stuttgart-based architectu-
                                                                                        ral practice Glück + Partner arranged all public areas on the ground
                Grundriss 1. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +1                         floor, which is well visible and addresses the square with generous gla-
                                                                                        zing across the entire width of the building. A visually continuous floor
                                                                                        covering leads the visitors from the urban space into the light-flooded
                                                                                        foyer, which merges into the open front office zone of the citizens advice
                                                         0 Eingang • Entrance
                                                   7      1 Foyer • Foyer               bureau. Light-coloured, natural materials, such as lime sandstone on the
                    8      5   8
                                                         2 Bürgerbüro • Citizens Advice Bureau  outer façade, cream-coloured porcelain stoneware tiles, and wooden
                                                   7     3 Sitzungssaal • Conference room
                                                         4 Mehrzweckraum • Multipurpose room  surfaces made of oak veneer in the interior, are inviting and help allay
                                                   7     5 Küche • Kitchen              possible reservations. To communicate proximity to the citizens was a
                                                         6 Garderobe • Cloakroom        particular concern for both architects and local councillors, which is
                  7  7   7    7  7     7           7     7 Büro • Office
                                                         8 Diskretionsbüro • Confidential office  why the conference hall is glazed on both sides and is deliberately and
                                                         9 Personalaufenthaltsraum • Staff lounge  openly presented at square level as the centre of political community
                Grundriss 2. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +2                         life. To ensure that the building can be brought to life as intended, the
                                                                                        meeting room adjoins a separable multifunctional room, which is avai-
                                                                                        lable for events with large numbers of visitors and also as a wedding
                                                                                        room. The non-public back-office areas are separated from public circu-
                                                                                        lation zones and are connected to the administration rooms on the two
                                                                                        upper floors via a spacious, bright staircase with a clear fair-faced con-
                                                                                        crete  look.  On  these  floors,  offices  flank  a  wide  corridor  zone  that
                                                                                        widens into naturally lit waiting areas. Floor-to-ceiling glass panels pro-
                                                                                        vide an insight into the work of the town hall staff. Glück + Partner have
                                                                                        succeeded in creating an inviting, transparent building that as a central
                Längsschnitt • Longitudinal section                                     location of the community symbolises openness.

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