Page 60 - AIT1216_E-Paper
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                                    Mailand                                  M   r Graf, you graduated with a bachelor in architecture from Munich technical
                                                                                 university. Since October,  you have been studying interior design at the
                                                                             Royal College of Art in London. Did your internship at Matteo Thun & Partners in
               Foto: Felix Constantin Graf  Antonio Citterio & Patricia Viel,  My parents own a company for interior construction. Already when I was a child, the
                                                                             Milan have anything to do with changing the course of your studies?
                                    Weitere Architekturbüros:
                                                                             joinery was my playground. Later, I decided in favour of studying architecture becau-
                                    Francesco Librizzi,
                                                                             se, in my opinion, this is the ideal basis for an interior designer and because the
                                                                             bachelor- and master-system allows this change of discipline. During my internship
                                                                             at Matteo Thun & Partners, I was able to experience what it means to be working in
                                                                             an office where employees from several disciplines are frequently working together
                                                                             on one project. This holistic designing by specialists from architecture, interior design
                                                                             and product design eventually convinced and encouraged me to go to London.

                                                                             r  How difficult is it to get an internship in this renowned architectural office?
                                                                             Which are the prerequisites one should fulfill?
                                                                             Personally, I believe that my basic approach of looking at a design in an interdiscipli-
                                                                             nary way helped me to get the internship. A great chance! It is also an advantage to
                                                                             speak several languages since Matteo Thun & Partners is an international enterprise.
                                                                             Ideally, one should speak German, English and Italian. Working there means thinking
                                                                             outside the box and really being integrated. Not last, the office works on a wide
                                                                             variety of projects.

                                                                             r Matteo Thun is a brand. Please give us an insight into the working world of this
                                                                             office which, as you said, covers a large spectrum of work …
                                                                             The approximately 80 employees are from all continents and bring different cultural
                                                                             backgrounds. For some years now, there has also been an office in Shanghai. This is
               Waldhotel Healthy Living in Bürgerstock (Schweiz): über ...  • Waldhotel Healthy Living in Bürgenstock: ...  very exciting since, in this way, various ideas can be integrated into the projects. The
                                                                             teams consisting of architects, interior designers and stylists develop simultaneously
                                                                             and, above all, jointly, the idea, the concept, the design and the details. At Matteo
                                                                             Thun & Partners, one works in an open-plan office with flat hierarchies. This open-
                                                                             ness also promotes the direct exchange between the different departments.  The
                                                                             employees are very open as well. A title or a degree are not in the foreground – what
                                                                             indeed counts is the qualification, the attitude and the team spirit. The studio also
                                                                             has a very attractive kitchen where, for all the employees – and free of charge! – a
                                                                             fresh lunch is prepared. The kitchen is the meeting point for informal talks so that,
                                                                             as time goes by, one gets to know many colleagues better.

                                                                             r You were able to participate on the Waldkrankenhaus Eisenberg, one of the
                                                                             largest orthopaedic clinics in Europe. What were your tasks regarding this project
                                                                             into which certainly all the office’s experience with hospital was integrated?
                                                                             I  was  very lucky to be allowed to cooperate on this exciting project.  The
                                                                             Waldkrankenhaus Eisenberg – a facility with 240 beds – is being constructed in coop-
                                                                             eration with the Düsseldorf planning office HDR TMK and was chosen by the ministry
                                                                             responsible in Thuringia as the most sustainable, ecological and economical project
               ... 4800 Quadratmeter Spa und Wellness (2017) • ... More than 4,800 square metres of spa and wellness (2017)  of the federal state and supported with the corresponding subsidies. The basic design
                                                                             purpose of the architectural and interior-design concept is to increase wellbeing. The
               Neues Konzept für die InterCityHotels: „Zuhause sein“ • New concept for the InterCityHotels
                                                                             patients take centre stage and are meant to feel like they are staying in a wellness
                                                                             hotel for convalescing more quickly in a humane, pleasant ambience. I cooperated
                                                                             on the planning of the design and the construction documentation in the architectural
                                                                             department, attended a specialist trade fair for medical technology and, later, also
                                                                             participated in developing the mock-up room of the patient rooms. For designing the
                                                                             rooms, we also worked closely with the clinic in order to ensure optimal working con-
                                                                             ditions. With this project, I was able to experience in the course of months how the
                                                                             interdisciplinary exchange between architects and interior designers works.

                                                                             r Which are the important experiences you were able to make during your stay
                                                                             as un intern?
               Renderings: Matteo Thun & Partners, Maialnd                   tial elements of the design. The philosophy of the office to resort to raw materials
                                                                             Sustainability is always in the focus of Matteo Thun’s work. The materials are essen-
                                                                             from the surroundings and to commission local enterprises – this is definitely some-
                                                                             thing I took back with me. I would also like to develop objects with which I could
                                                                             contribute somewhat to making a better world. In addition, I realized how much good
                                                                             communication among employees is able to achieve and how short the distances and

               060  •  AIT 12.2016                                           the work processes can become whenever there is close cooperation at all levels.
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