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090-093_AIT1121_HT_4S_ushitamborriello_sl (wa)_Layout 1  22.10.2021  15:33  Seite 093

                                                                                     Entwurf • Design Atelier ushitamborriello, CH-Rieden
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client GMZ, CH-Zürich
                                                                                     Standort • Location Im Zentrum 3, CH-Regensdorf
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 400 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Jochen Splett, München
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 142


                                                                                     IN REGENSDORF

                                                                                     Located in the agglomeration of the city of Zurich, the Re-
                                                                                     gensdorf fitness park is considered to be the oldest fit-
                                                                                     ness park established by the Zurich Migros Cooperative.
                                                                                     Last year, the wellness area has undergone a welcome
                                                                                     rejuvenating cure. An oasis originated that is able to me-
                                                                                     diate between two different worlds – between “true” na-
                                                                                     ture and an interior which cleverly quotes nature.

                                                                                     I n the course of the past years, the interior architect Ushi Tamborriello
                                                                                       has implemented several fitness- and wellness projects. There is no
                                                                                     sign of design routine where she is concerned, however.  Quite on the
                                                                                     contrary. For each project, she succeeds in surprising with a new and
                                                                                     distinctive setting. In fact, the term “setting” fits very well. As a trained
                                                                                     set designer, she not simply creates rooms by merely focussing on their
                                                                                     design. She also creates stories and then gives them room. Last year, no
                                                                                     less than two fitness parks have been opened that carry her signature:
                                                                                     one  located  in  the  heart  of  Zurich  (Fitnesspark  Stadelhofen,  AIT
                                                                                     11.2020), the other in the agglomeration (Fitnesspark Regensdorf). For
                                                                                     the first project, Tamborriello deliberately left old concrete structures
                                                                                     standing as visible relicts yet intervened with colourful skills. A stimu-
                                                                                     lating ambience thus resulted which might even motivate inveterate
                                                                                     couch potatoes to get a move on. Quite a different spatial impression is
                                                                                     communicated by the new wellness zone in the Regensdorf fitness park:
                                                                                     Here, earthy tones dominate as does a quiet, intimate mood. Nature
                                                                                     motifs in an abstract shape form a bridge to the 2,000 square-metre
                                                                                     garden that belongs to the fitness park. “Inside nature”, is the indoor
                                                                                     motto here. The relaxation oasis extends across an area of 400 square
                                                                                     metres and offers everything that is needed for wellness: steam bath,
                                                                                     sauna, adventure shower, plunge pool and a wet room. The access is
                                                                                     through a hallway bordered by lamellae which reminds of a pergola.
                                                                                     Between the vertical wooden elements, one looks “outside”, as it were,
                                                                                     since the wallpaper behind them is decorated with a floral motif. The
                                                                                     relaxation room with a flat water basin and a moss-covered wall pro-
                                                                                     duces an artistic connection to nature. Found everywhere are narrative
                                                                                     details that emphasize the conceptual idea of “Inside nature”. Also in
                                                                                     the form of abstract water: The ball-chain curtain in the steam bath
                                                                                     symbolizes falling raindrops, the partly satin-finished glass elements re-
                                                                                     mind of fog. Due to such details but also due to the successful combi-
                                                                                     nation of materials and the precise light direction, an atmospheric se-
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  quence of rooms has here as well been produced that simply convinces.

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