Page 130 - AIT1119_E-Paper
P. 130


               Die historischen Einzelumkleiden blieben, neu gestaltet wurden hingegen die Sammelumkleiden.  • The historic single changing rooms were preserved; the communal changing rooms were newly designed.

               T   he transparent indoor pool with the slightly curved roof of reinforced steel on  profile was inserted. The roof construction spanning the pool like a sail consisting
                                                                             of a prestressed-concrete construction – innovate at the construction time – was
                   filigree steel supports and with slanted glass fronts was built between 1959 and
               1964 according to plans by the architect Manfred Lehmbruck (1913-1992), son of the  badly damaged and the concrete had to be repaired in order to preserve the con-
               well-known sculptor Wilhelm Lehmbruck. With the public baths, Lehbmruck at the  struction from further chloride contamination. In addition, the cold roof was turned
               time set standards of attractive, user-oriented and flexible architecture. With its gla-  into a warm roof with a significantly increased insulation thickness and thus adap-
               zing painted by HAP Grieshaber, in 2000 the pool was included in the list of the cul-  ted to today’s energetic standard. Despite all this, it was possible to preserve the
               tural monuments of Stuttgart. In 2014, the municipal building department of the city  filigree roof edge.
               of Stuttgart decided to have the architectural monument refurbished. The goal of this
               modernization was to allow a modern use of the pool by taking the architecture  Preservation of the characterizing forms and materials
               worth protecting into consideration. In a working group, our architectural and engi-
               neering offices jointly planned the renovation measures. The municipal building de-  To replace the sealing, a complete dismantling all the way to the raw construction
               partment was in charge of the project management. Apart from minor interventions  was necessary in the area of the swimming pools. The so-called Wiesbadener Rinne
               in the past years, at the start of the refurbishment the pool was to a large extent in  (overflow channel) with its low water level and the handhold located above it were
               the original state. Thus, on the one hand, the goal of the refurbishing works was to  restored as characterizing elements. Likewise the lighting concept by Lehmbruck.
               preserve the still young architectural monument and, on the other hand, to ensure  With spotlights with a large indirect light component attached at the steel pillars, the
               its use as a public indoor pool for the next few decades. After various studies, the  pool roof is illuminated in such a way that it appears to float. The swimming hall is
               planning coordinated with the state office for the preservation of monuments sche-  particularly characterized by the materials such as the sand-coloured small mosaics
               duled, as a first step, to renovate the building energetically, to solve constructional  tiles and the teak panelling above the tribune which rises like a dune. For the tiles
               problems and to update the technical equipment.               as well, special solutions had to be found. Thus the standard format was cut down
                                                                             to a special dimension by hand and on site. Some of the single cabins and lockers
               Renovation of the artistically designed mullion-transom façade   in the changing rooms were renovated. Some others were replaced by communal
                                                                             changing rooms which meet the requirements of a modern indoor pool It was pos-
               A special challenge was the restoration of the mullion-transom façade’s insulating-  sible to preserve the design-characterizing counter in the club room in its original
               glass panes designed by the artist HAP Grieshaber. The double glazing showed con-  state. Together with the grey Resopal surfaces, the counter continues to be a strong
               siderable damage caused by glass corrosion and in the edge compound so that the  contrast to the original wood panelling. With the new all-glass interior façades, it
               Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC was commissioned to develop a resto-  was furthermore possible to carefully modernize and complement the building stock.
               ration concept. For the refurbishing of the mullion-transom façade of the indoor  The present-day planning requirements are not only connected to the upgrading as
               poor, different variants were analysed, among others the upgrading as a double fa-  regards construction and energy but also include ensuring easier use of the baths for
               çade as well as the complete replacement and the integration of the glass art into  a broad spectrum of the population. For the barrier-free access to the ground floor
               a new façade construction. In coordination with the state office for the preservation  and the upper level, a lift was installed. A platform lift serves to overcome the diffe-
               of monuments, the decision was made to completely replace the aluminium con-  rence in height between the shower area and the pool borders. Additional equip-
               struction. The goal was to minimize the constructional flaws in the rebate area  ment facilitating the use such as a guidance system for visually impaired people and
               of the renovated glass-art panes and to thus prevent these from new damage in the  a mobile pool lift was also included. As a public building and a meeting place, the
               long term. To avoid that the new construction would look too massive, a trapezoidal  fire-protection concept also meets today’s requirements after the renovation.

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